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Wetlands Assessment Virginia Engle, USEPA National Water Quality Monitoring Council March 20, 2007.

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1 Wetlands Assessment Virginia Engle, USEPA National Water Quality Monitoring Council March 20, 2007

2 Surveys of the Nation’s Waters Statistically valid surveys – history  National Coastal Assessment 2000-2006  Wadeable Streams Assessment 2004-2005 Survey Schedule 2007 – Lakes2010 - Coastal 2008 – Rivers2011 - Wetlands 2009 – Streams2012 – Lakes EPA Office of Water  Implement through state §106 Grants

3 Survey of the Nation’s Lakes What percent of the Nation’s lakes are in good, fair, and poor condition for key indicators of trophic state, ecological health, and recreation? What is the relative importance of key stressors such as nutrients and pathogens? Lakes > 10 acres and ≥ 1 m 5 size classes in 48 states 909 lakes Indicators  Trophic (water quality)  Ecological Integrity Biota Habitat  Recreational (pathogens)

4 National Wetlands Condition Assessment EPA will collaborate with State and Tribal partners to refine the three objectives of the National Wetlands Condition Assessment: 1.Produce a national report that describes the quality of the nation’s wetlands, 2.Build State and Tribal capacity to implement wetland monitoring and assessment programs that will guide policy development and aid project decision-making, 3.Advance the science needed to achieve Obj. #2.

5 Collaboration with FWS EPA will collaborate with FWS in designing NWCA  ensure the national condition assessment most effectively complements the Service’s Wetlands Status and Trends Study. NWI Status and Trends documents trends in wetlands acreage NWCA will evaluate the ambient condition of the nation’s wetlands resources. Together these reports will offer the most comprehensive ecological evaluation of the nation’s wetlands to date and provide valuable information to support policy and resource management decisions.


7 State/Tribal Program Implementation Team o Monthly Meetings o EPA and State/Tribal Reps Building State Program Capacity Wetlands Mapping Regulatory Support and Methods Development Assessment Advisory Team o Meetings TBD o EPA, State/Tribal, Federal Reps Responsive to EMAP Team and OWOW Input on specific issues related to the national condition assessment National Wetlands Monitoring & Assessment Workgoup Steering Committee o Meetings as needed o EPA HQ and Regions Communications with Other States/Tribes

8 NWMAWG States/Tribes/EPA Build state and tribal wetland monitoring programs  Foster information exchange and technology transfer  Data management and comparability  Improve wetlands mapping  Sustainable financing Promote use of wetland assessment data to inform decision-making  Wetlands restoration in a watershed context  Compensatory mitigation performance standards  Inform CWA 401 certification decisions  Wetlands-specific water quality standards

9 EMAP Wetlands Team Provide technical guidance to NWMAWG for National Wetlands Condition Assessment  Develop Sample Frame  Recommend Survey Design Options  Recommend Indicators & Methods  Assist with data mgmt, analysis, and reporting Members  EPA ORD and OW  USGS, USFWS

10 Progress to Date National Wetlands Condition Assessment Target Population  All wetlands of the U.S. – tidal and non-tidal wetted areas with rooted vegetation Sample Frame  NWI S&T sample plots (4682 2x2 sq. mi. plots), supplemented with new plots in the Pacific coast, including only polygons classified as follows:

11 Wetland Classes in NWCA M2 – Marine Intertidal E2EM – Estuarine Intertidal Emergents E2SS – Estuarine Intertidal Forested/Shrub E2AB – Estuarine Intertidal Aquatic Bed PFO – Palustrine Forested PSS – Palustrine Scrub/Shrub PEM – Palustrine Emergents PAB – Palustrine Aquatic Bed ?Pf – Palustrine farmed

12 Regional Pilots Wetlands ProjectPartners Mid-Atlantic States Regional Wetlands Assessment EPA Region 3 & ORD Penn State, VIMS Southeast Isolated Wetlands Assessment EPA Region 4 & ORD, RTI, NC DWQ, SC OCRM, USC, OSU Minnesota Statewide Wetland Assessment EPA ORD, MN PCA California Estuarine Wetland SurveyEPA ORD, SCCWRP, MLML, CCC, SFEI Gulf of Mexico Coastal Wetlands Survey EPA ORD Gulf Breeze USGS NWRC

13 GOM Coastal Wetlands Pilot Survey Objectives  Evaluate feasibility of implementing probability survey design on regional scale  Evaluate feasibility of indicators across multiple wetland types  Assess condition of GOM coastal wetlands

14 Progress to Date Target Population  All wetlands within GOM coastal boundary defined as all 8-digit HUCs that touch the coast, modified by NOAA EDAs where needed Sample Frame  All NWI S&T plots within GOM coastal boundary, including the following wetland classes Estuarine Intertidal Emergents & Forested/Shrub Palustrine Emergents, Shrub, Forested & Farmed

15 Design Options Simple Random Sample Class% Area# Sites E2EM27.823 E2SS5.36 E2US3.84 PEM14.413 PFO31.832 PSS7.38 PUS0.10 Pf9.514 Total100 Unequal Probability Sample Class% Area# Sites E2EM28.917 E2SS5.516 PEM15.017 PFO33.117 PSS7.616 Pf9.917 Total100


17 NWI S&T Class - Estuarine Intertidal Emergent

18 NWI S&T Class - Estuarine Intertidal Shrub/Forested

19 NWI S&T Class – Palustrine Forested

20 Assessment Levels Level 1 – Landscape Assessment  GIS, remote sensing  Wetland coverage, land use Level 2 – Rapid Assessment  On-site field survey - visual  Scores, metrics Level 3 – Intensive Assessment  On-site sample collection  Vegetation, water, soils Application of Elements of a State Water Monitoring and Assessment Program For Wetlands

21 NMN & Wetlands NMN design – wetlands deferred Recognized importance of assessing wetland quality, not just extent Few states monitor wetland quality but methods are evolving Plan to add surveys of wetland quality to NMN

22 Questions? For more information, contact:

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