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Tom Thompson Karin Moscon Jennell Ives

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1 Tom Thompson Karin Moscon Jennell Ives
CTE and the Common Core Tom Thompson Karin Moscon Jennell Ives

2 Why Revisit This? 40/40/20 Teacher effectiveness New assessments
CTE as a solution Interest from business and industry Common elements of standards College and Career Readiness

3 Where is CTE in the Math Common Core?
We are at the table, but where is CTE when we drill into the CCSS? If we have a star tool participants can spend a few minutes looking at slide and then put stars next to the words that they feel are CTE. Talk about trends, clear stars and talk about how CTE is involved with math

4 Where is CTE in the ELA Common Core?
If we have a star tool participants can spend a few minutes looking at slide and then put stars next to the words that they feel are CTE.

5 Where is CTE in the NGSS?

6 Connections How to focus student achievement and classroom practices to get the most “Bang for the buck”. Examine where the practices converge with science, math and literacy. For example, students are expected to engage in argumentation from evidence; construct explanations; obtain, synthesize, evaluate, and communicate information; and build a knowledge base through content rich texts across the three subject areas. Such convergence is particularly beneficial for students from non-dominant groups who are pressed for instructional time to develop literacy and numeracy at the cost of other subjects, including science. The Understanding Language

7 What’s New in Math? Applied Math Project

8 How would you go about using math to build this staircase?

9 Project Purpose Create a collaborative model for developing a technical math course that meets graduation requirements and improves student performance

10 Joint Effort Oregon Department of Education (ODE)
National Research Center for Career and Technical Education (NRCCTE) Lane County Education Service District (ESD)

11 Three Year R&D Development teams design instructional units for trial implementation in Year 2. Phase 1: Year 1 Development teams implement the course and refine the units for a Year 3 test. Phase 2: Year 2 Technical math course is implemented and tested at pilot schools. Phase 3: Year 3

12 Key Features of the Model
Be replicable Meet HS math levels, standards, or both Offer a systematic, intentional approach (not episodic) Involve partnerships with career and technical education (CTE)

13 Foci of Units A combination of Algebra and Geometry was situated in CTE-oriented units: Manufacturing Energy Transfer Bridge Architecture Staircase Animal House Trusses Marketing Electrical

14 Student Measures Pre- and post-testing of mathematics ability in tech math and comparison classrooms (Accuplacer) Math Attitude Inventory (ATMI) Demographic student surveys Artifacts of student activities and accomplishments

15 Year 3 Findings Significantly improved math attitudes over peers in comparison classrooms Comparable math achievement to peers in comparison classrooms Students with high pre-test scores improved over their peers in geometry classes

16 Student Feedback “I learned a lot now I will be able to help my dad build a house this summer” “ Math is starting to make sense to me” “Working in teams is a lot of fun someone always knows what to do.”

17 Emergent Principles Fostering partnerships between math and CTE teachers. Emerging communities of practice. Math as a central feature of situated problems and questions Adapting instruction within the units “We are teaching mathematics in context: we are not CTE teachers.”

18 Literacy and CTE Implementing Instructional Shifts to Support Student Transitions into CCSS

19 Please draw a number line on a piece of paper
Place a zero at one end of the number line, and 1 billion at the other end…. _________________________________________________ billion On your number line, place where 1 million would go….

20 How Much is a Million?

21 Business as Usual? The amount of information is exploding!
In 1870 the information a person would encounter in a lifetime is the same amount of information now found in one issue of the New York Times. The digital Universe has grown 1000% in the last 2 years There are now 450,000 words in the English Language. That’s 7times more than William Shakespeare had to choose from. Just here to illustrate how things are changing rapidly

22 What Do Students Need to Know?
The majority of jobs our students will have do not currently exist. The technology they will use hasn’t been invented yet They will be solving problems that haven’t even emerged yet. Research from 21st Century project. How do we prepare students for a world that doesn’t exist? The National Governor’s Panel, I response to business demands began the efforts for CCSS.

23 Tools for Teachers: Implementing Key Shifts in the CCSS

24 Oregon Common Core Shifts
Increase Reading of Informational Text Text Complexity Academic Vocabulary Text-based Answers Increase Writing from Sources Literacy Instruction in all Content Areas Oregon CCSS Toolkit Common Core State Standards – ELA & Literacy Resources

25 Shift 1: Increase Reading of Informational Text
At least 50% of reading in elementary grades shifts to informational (current estimate: 7%) By middle school, the percentage increases to 55% (current estimate: 15%) By the end of high school, 70% (current est. 20%) This reflects the premise that to be college and career-ready, students need to read an increasingly higher percentage of informational text throughout the school day. This can be difficult for students to accomplish without strategies and practice.

26 Literacy in CTE This site is sponsored by the High Desert ESD, Office of Career and Technical Education On it you can find lesson plans with strategies to use for supporting students. These strategies are from the Literacy in CTE workshops.

27 Shift 1: Balance Informational and Literary Text
What the Student Does What the Teacher Does Build Content Knowledge Gain exposure to the world through reading Apply comprehension strategies Balance informational and literary text Scaffold for informational texts Teach “through” and “with” informational text. This can include various formats. (books, essays, primary documents, articles, the internet, charts, graphs…)

28 Shift 2: Text Complexity
Demands that college, careers, and citizenship place on readers have increased over the last 50 years The difficulty of college textbooks, as measured by Lexile scores, has increased over the past 50 years Many careers require reading complex technical text By college/career, students are expected to read complex texts with a high level of independence Based on ACT test data, only 51% of high school seniors are prepared for postsecondary reading

29 Shift 2: Text Complexity
What the Student Does What the Teacher Does Re-read texts to delve deeper into meaning and understanding Have a “balanced reading diet”. Different texts for different purposes. (easier and harder to read) Tolerate frustration with text and persevere to comprehend. Use texts with more complexity at all grade levels Match readers with appropriate texts and tasks Provide scaffolded instructional supports that will lead to independence Engage as a learner with other adults Our renewed attention to text complexity is primarily due to language in the Common Core State Standards. We have dipped in and out of the issue of text complexity for years, each time informed by related fields such as linguistics, psychology, and cognition ( Graesser et al, 2011) It used to mean text difficulty, but now we need to go further. In other words, the Common Core State Standards acknowledge that teachers have to figure out how to help their students access complex texts and teachers should use their professional judgments to accomplish this task. In the past, teachers were held captive to the script (R.J. Meyer,2002) and were required to read verbatim from a teacher’s manual.

30 Shift 3: Academic Vocabulary
Differences in students’ vocabulary levels is a key factor in academic achievement disparity. Research suggests that if students are going to grasp and retain words and comprehend text, they need incremental, repeated exposure…to the words they are trying to learn. Three tiers of words: emphasis on Tier 2 words (academic vocabulary)

31 Three Tiers Tier 1: basic vocabulary, more common words that most children will know: include high-frequency words, and usually don’t have multiple meanings Tier two: Less familiar vocabulary found in “text and tests”. They often are more precise or subtle forms of common words -analyze, consider, integrate, synthesis -saunter v. walk Tier three: Domain specific, critical to understanding the concepts of a content. Usually low frequency use. Ex. Isotope, peninsula Averil Coxhead Beck and McKeown

32 Shift 3: Academic Vocabulary
What the Student Does What the Teacher Does Use “high octane” words across content areas while listening, speaking, reading and writing Build a database around “language as power”. Understand registers and when to use formal/informal language. Practice, practice, practice Develop students’ ability to use and access words Be strategic about which words to focus on (tier 2) Help students understand parts of words and patterns Help students with word choices in writing Student Organizations in CTE supporting use of language for jobs.

33 Shift 4: Text-based Answers
Rich and rigorous conversations which are dependent on students reading a central text or multiple texts Greater emphasis in the standards for students to make explicit references to textual evidence. Text based answers are grounded in text based questions. Text based questions/answers provide more equity in classrooms.

34 An issue of equality: Time in class/text
More instructional time spent outside the text means less time inside the text. Departing from the text in classroom discussion privileges only those who already have experience with the topic. It is easier to talk about our experiences than to analyze the text—especially for students reluctant to engage with reading/ writing. The CCSS are College and Career Readiness Standards. 1st bullet – The shifts require experience within the text – building knowledge primarily through reading, using evidence that can only be found in text, and exposure to academic vocabulary found in those very texts. 2nd bullet – For example, reading about tornadoes, then asking students to talk about a time when they were in a tornado only allows the students who have had this experience to engage. The expectations outlined by the CCSS are requirements for ALL students. By grounding the discussion in the text itself, all students are given an equal opportunity to engage. The text becomes a shared experience in learning about any topic. 3rd bullet – As texts and reading becomes challenging – it’s easier for students to disengage with the text and go to what they know (or think they know, based on their experience.) Requiring students to persevere through difficult text builds critical reading muscles. 4th bullet – Those reading muscles are what students will need to be successful in college and career – reading difficult subject matter or technical job-related information without anybody to support them is the critical skill necessary for success.

35 Non-Examples and Examples
Not Text-Dependent Text-Dependent In “Casey at the Bat,” Casey strikes out. Describe a time when you failed at something. In “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” Dr. King discusses nonviolent protest. Discuss, in writing, a time when you wanted to fight against something that you felt was unfair. In “The Gettysburg Address” Lincoln says the nation is dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Why is equality an important value to promote? What makes Casey’s experiences at bat humorous? What can you infer from King’s letter about the letter that he received? Explain your reasoning using examples from the letter. “The Gettysburg Address” mentions the year According to Lincoln’s speech, why is this year significant to the events described? Text-dependent questions require students to pay attention to the text at hand and to draw evidence from that text. What does this look like in the classroom? Teachers insist that classroom experiences stay deeply connected to the text on the page and that students develop habits for making evidentiary argument both in conversation, as well as in writing, to assess comprehension of a text. Students have rich and rigorous conversations and develop writing that is dependent on a common text.

36 Text dependent or not? 1. According to this speech, why did the North fight the civil war? 2. Have you ever been to a funeral or gravesite? 3. Lincoln says that the nation is dedicated to the proposition that “all men are created equal.” Why is equality an important value to promote?

37 Shift 4: Text Based Answers
What the Student Does What the Teacher Does Find evidence to support their argument Form judgments in a scholarly fashion Analyze the arguments of others Engage with the author and understand why the specific structure of the text was used. Facilitate evidenced based conversations about text Keep students “in the text” Identify questions and tasks that are text dependent. Provide practice for students to reason, justify and present argument orally, in reading, and in writing.

38 Shift 5: Increase Writing from Sources
Greater emphasis on the selection and use of sources when writing to inform or to make an argument Separate Claim dedicated to research/inquiry to investigate and write about topics. Move toward performance tasks in assessments that focus on research skills Research to Build and Present Knowledge one of the College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for writing

39 CCSS focus is on Mastery of three different types of writing:
Narratives: Primarily in elementary HS only 20% dedicated to narrative Inform and explain Rendering complex information clearly: precision and command of evidence is at the heart of their craft Argument Analytical writing: Makes good arguments based on evidence Short focused research projects: several throughout the year Extended research Content Areas: Understanding that writing remains coherent, attention to grammar and conventions, but format will be different.

40 Shift 5: Increase Writing from Sources
What the Student Does What the Teacher Does Generate informational text Make arguments using evidence Organize for persuasion/argument Compare multiple sources Spend less time on personal narratives/ opinion papers. Present opportunities to write from multiple sources Provide opportunities to analyze and synthesize ideas Develop students’ voice so that they can argue a point with evidence Allow students to form and articulate conclusions about the text.

41 Shift 6:Literacy Across All Content Areas
Clear message that literacy is not just an ELA issue Separate literacy standards: Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Correlates to the increased emphasis on reading informational text Content area (domain-specific) text during ELA instruction; attention to literacy through listening, speaking, reading, and writing throughout the curriculum in your class.

42 Shift 6: Literacy Across All Content Areas
What the Student Does What the Teacher Does Build content knowledge and understanding through texts Comfortably use a variety of texts: primary source, internet, essays, articles, speakers, discussions, research Multiple short and focused research projects Long term research Use texts for students to compare and arrive at conclusions Give students experiences with multiple types of text in real world experiences Provide students with opportunities to speak, read, and write within the discipline.

43 Language and the Art of Language
Language will be taking a new role in all classrooms. Argument Justification Collaboration Inquiry Analyzing Presenting

44 Subject area teachers integrate the literacy standards into technical subjects and Career-Related Learning Standards. Link for Common Core State Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects

45 Literacy Standards for Science and Technical Subjects handouts
College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Grade Specific Standards College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing Link to CCSS Toolkit for Content Area Literacy Implementation

46 Connections How to focus student achievement and classroom practices to get the most “Bang for the buck”. Examine where the practices converge with science, math and literacy. For example, students are expected to engage in argumentation from evidence; construct explanations; obtain, synthesize, evaluate, and communicate information; and build a knowledge base through content rich texts across the three subject areas. Such convergence is particularly beneficial for students from non-dominant groups who are pressed for instructional time to develop literacy and numeracy at the cost of other subjects, including science. The Understanding Language

47 Questions? Karin Moscon Oregon Department of Education
Civil Rights and Literacy Specialist Phone:

48 Oregon has new Science Standards!
CTE can play a role in helping students apply scientific practices

NGSS Vision Learning as a developmental progression Engaging students in scientific investigations and argumentation to achieve deeper understanding of core science ideas Integrating the knowledge of scientific explanations and the practices needed to engage in scientific inquiry and engineering design KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE MUST BE INTERTWINED IN LEARNING EXPERIENCES This vision is very much in alignment with the CCSS and CCR which support the vision for Oregon education. The Committee on a Conceptual Framework for New Science Education Standards was charged with developing a framework that articulates a broad set of expectations for students in science. The overarching goal of our framework for K-12 science education is to ensure that by the end of 12th grade, all students have some appreciation of the beauty and wonder of science; possess sufficient knowledge of science and engineering to engage in public discussions on related issues; are careful consumers of scientific and technological information related to their everyday lives; are able to continue to learn about science outside school; and have the skills to enter careers of their choice, including (but not limited to) careers in science, engineering, and technology (Framework, ES 1).

50 *Oregon Science Teachers Association NGSS Position Statement
NGSS Background Achieve NGSS Website Development Process and Timeline Standards in Multiple Formats for Download and Online Searching Support Documents ODE NGSS Website Feedback Survey Announcements of Upcoming Work on Adoption, Transition, and Implementation Resources *Oregon Science Teachers Association NGSS Position Statement

51 Science Panel Recommendations
4/13/2017 Science Panel Recommendations Adopt the Next Generation Science Standards. Recommendation to adopt integrated middle school grade level progression similar to the sequence adopted by California. Statewide implementation of NGSS in Oregon classrooms by Statewide operational implementation of NGSS assessment in Oregon by Also share the position statement from OSTA

52 NGSS Conceptual Shifts
Interconnected Nature of Science as it is Practiced and Experienced in the Real World Student Performance Expectations – NOT Curriculum. Science Concepts Build Coherently from K–12 Focus on Deeper Understanding of Content as well as Application of Content Science and Engineering are Integrated in the NGSS Prepare students for College, Career, and Citizenship The NGSS and CCSS are Aligned They have this handout

53 Scientific and Engineering Practices
Asking questions and defining problems Developing and using models Planning and carrying out investigations Analyzing and interpreting data Using mathematics and computational thinking Developing explanations and designing solutions Engaging in argument Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

54 NGSS Scientific & Engineering Practices
Nature of science and engineering 1. Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering) Science focuses on questions about the natural world. Engineering focuses on practical problems. 2. Developing and using models Science is about models. Engineering exploit models. 3. Planning and carrying out investigations Science is about research. Engineering as iterative improvement. 4. Analyzing and interpreting data Science is analytical. Engineering is about data. 5. Using mathematics and computational thinking Mathematics is the language of science and engineering. Computational thinking allows scientists & engineers to exploit computers. 6. Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering) Science is about explanations. Engineering is about solutions. 7. Engaging in argument from evidence Science is arguments and argumentation. 8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information Science as assessing available information and relating it to claims. Engineering as using information to evaluation methods and solutions.

55 Connections

56 Four Things Every Teacher Can Do!
Give students a strong base of knowledge through content rich texts and discussion of learning experiences Have students read, write, speak, and think based on evidence Have students construct viable arguments and critique the thinking of others Engage students in argument from evidence

57 Resources

58 Questions? Tom Thompson –
Karin Moscon – Jennell Ives –

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