PART-TIME JOBS Do students need to work part-time or not? part-time or not?

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Presentation on theme: "PART-TIME JOBS Do students need to work part-time or not? part-time or not?"— Presentation transcript:

1 PART-TIME JOBS Do students need to work part-time or not? part-time or not?

2 What do teenagers usually spend money on? Clothes CDs Books Computer games Cosmetics

3 Helen has always dreamed of becoming (1)a ______woman, WEALTH and imagined living in a (2)_______mansion LUXURY and how her friends would praise her (3)____ GENEROUS when she gave them expensive presents. In reality she was usually hard up. She had some (4)_____________SAVE and a small life (5)__________INSURE but her antique shop was not really very (6)_______ PROFIT

4 Every time she took money out of the bank, the (7)_____________CASH checked her account and told her how little there was in it. Helen had taken out a (8)_______LEND a month before. How could she repay it? Then one day she noticed an old painting in her shop. She had thought it was (9)__________, WORTH but as she brushed away the dust, she saw the (10)________ at the bottom. SIGN It said “Renoir”! She was rich at last.

5 Answers WealthyCashier LuxuriousLoan GenerosityWorthless SavingsSignature Insurance Profitable

6 What kind of part-time jobs can you get? Baby-sitting

7 Working in the office Delivering documents, newspapers

8 Cutting hedges Distributing advertisements Washing cars Cleaning

9 Advantages and disadvantages of part-time jobs?

10 Arguments “for” Earn extra money Make new friends

11 Learn new skills Help your future career Become more confident

12 Arguments “against” No time for homework No time for family/friends Dangerous to work at night Salary is too small

13 Conclusion Although working part-time has some bad points for students, it also gives them valuable experience for their future career.

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