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Un polo (uhn poe-low) – polo shirt Un sweat (uhn sweat) - sweatshirt Un tee-shirt.

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Presentation on theme: "Un polo (uhn poe-low) – polo shirt Un sweat (uhn sweat) - sweatshirt Un tee-shirt."— Presentation transcript:


2 Un polo (uhn poe-low) – polo shirt Un sweat (uhn sweat) - sweatshirt Un tee-shirt

3 Un pull (uhn pull) - sweater Un blouson (uhn blue- sohn) – Jacket - female Une veste (oon vest)/ un veston – Blazer

4 Un pantalon (uhn pant-ah- lohn) - pants Un jean (uhn jzheen) – blue jeans Un short

5 Une jupe (oon zjhoop) - skirt Une chemise (oon sheh-meeze) - shirt Une cravate (oon crah- vaht) - tie

6 Des chaussettes (day show-sets) - socks Des baskets (des bass-kets) – basketball / sports shoes Des chaussures (des show- seurs) - shoes

7 Les Vêtements 1.Une Casquette (oon cass-ket) – Baseball cap 2.Un Manteau (uhn mahn-tow) – Overcoat 3.Une Chemise (oon sheh-meeze) – Shirt 4.Un Chemisier (uhn sheh-meece-ee-air) - blouse 5.Un imper un imperméable (uhn ehm-pehr-mee-ah-bleh) – raincoat 6.Un Chapeau (uhn shah-poe) – hat 7.Une Robe – dress 8.Des Collants (day co-lahnts) – tights 9.Des Tennis (day ten-eece) – tennis shoes 10.Des Sandales (day sahn-dalls) – sandals 11.Des Bottes (day bohts) – boots 12.Un Survêtement (uhn suhr-vet-eh-mehnt) – un jogging - jogging suit 13.Un Maillot de Bain (uhn my-oh de bahn) – bathing suit 14.Une Ceinture (oon sehn-ture) – belt 15.Des Lunettes (day loon-etts) – glasses 16.Des Lunettes de Soleil (day loon-etts deh so-lay-yuh) - sunglasses

8 Un peu de grammaire

9 *Note – nouns that end in –eau in the singular will end in –eaux in the plural

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