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14Cyberstalking Dr. John P. Abraham Professor University of Texas Pan American.

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1 14Cyberstalking Dr. John P. Abraham Professor University of Texas Pan American

2 Stalking Fixation on victims Obsession May expose themselves Attempts to discourage them may have the opposite effect California law: “ Any person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows or harasses another person and who makes credible threat with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear of death or great bodily injuri is guilty of crime of stalking.”

3 How cyberstalkers operate Generally had prior acquaintance with the victim. Also, find a person in social sites, chatrooms, or during interviews, personal contacts, etc. Email contacts, anonymous contacts, or set up a phony website and give out the victim’s email account. Stalkers want to exert power over their victims through fear.

4 Investigating Cyberstalking Assume identity of the cyberstalker is unknown – Interview victim: determine if crime was committed. check for evidence of cyberstalking.Obtain details about victim in light of victimology. – Interview others. Obtain a more complete picture. What risk was the offender willing to take. – Assess where initial contact may have been and search for additional digital evidence. – Examine cybertrails for distinguishing features: location, time, method of approach, etc. – Motivation. What need was the offender fulfilling.

5 Victimology Does the victim know how and when cyberstaking began. What internet service the victim uses, why? What is the purpose for the use? What online services used and why? Web, email, usernet, irc, etc. Any personal websites or pages? What info is there?

6 Risk Assessment What was posted on the internet, the extend of information voluntarily put up. What might be high risk in physical world may not seem a resk on the cyberworld. But it can be. Asses the risk to the victim as well as the offender. What was the offender willing to risk.

7 Case study In California, after being turned down by Randi Barber, Gary Dellapenta impersonated her and posted a fantasy about being raped. Dellapenta gave Barber’s address and ways to short circuit her alarm. There is more to this story, please read.

8 Motivation Satisfaction by intimidating Power assertive Retaliate against victims for perceived wrongs Rage

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