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MEMBER SEMINAR WASTE SERVICES March 2013 Item 5 Appendix A 50.

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Presentation on theme: "MEMBER SEMINAR WASTE SERVICES March 2013 Item 5 Appendix A 50."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEMBER SEMINAR WASTE SERVICES March 2013 Item 5 Appendix A 50

2 Why are we here? Some key facts Update Members on current recycling and waste arrangements Outline main challenges being faced Update on proposed waste initiatives Last but not least - To pick your brains! Item 5Appendix A 51

3 Some key facts about waste Each person throws out around 7 times their body weight of waste each year Over 80% of waste can easily be recycled 30% of all food bought is thrown away, this costs the average family the equivalent of £50 a month. Item 5Appendix A 52

4 Zero Waste for Wales Welsh Government Targets  52% recycling by 2012/13  58% recycling by 2015/16  64% recycling by 2019/20  70% recycling by 2024/25 Item 5Appendix A 53

5 Zero Waste for Wales Penalty fines for not meeting targets  £200 per tonne for excess biodegradable waste going to landfill  £200 per tonne below Welsh Government recycling target (This equates to over £100k per 1% missed) Item 5Appendix A 54

6 Aspects of Waste Management Management of household waste recycling centres Collection of waste Transfer of recyclates Disposal of residual waste Enforcement v Education Item 5Appendix A 55

7 May Gurney WM Contract Collection and transfer of black bags Collection of recyclates from kerbside Trade waste collections Bulking and disposal of recyclates Bulky & clinical collections Management of HWRCs Item 5Appendix A 56

8 May Gurney WM Contract Year 3 of a 7plus7 year contract Wide range of materials recycled On going service improvements Recycling rate - 54% Annual cost £4.8M Ongoing contractual discussions Item 5Appendix A 57

9 Waste disposal arrangements Recycling of materials through MG Composting of food and green waste Black bag waste taken to the Materials Recovery and Energy Centre (MREC) Trade waste taken to the MREC Pwllfawatkin landfill site Item 5Appendix A 58

10 MREC Contractual relationship with NPT NPT 100% shareholder with MREC MREC original operating plans Current operating parameters Item 5Appendix A 59

11 MREC Currently costs £4.5million per year Recovers some recyclable material Incinerates some for Energy from Waste Converts some into energy pellets Sends what is left to landfill Item 5Appendix A 60

12 MREC Diverts lots of waste from landfill Costs significantly more than landfill Inhibits sustainable recycling initiatives Substantial budget reductions required to meet Council’s MTFS Item 5Appendix A 61

13 Disposal of food waste Currently composted through May Gurney Collaborative 20 year Anerobic Digestion contract in the order of £2M over the period Full WG support for process Budget saving identified for 2014/15 Contract not signed yet! Item 5Appendix A 62

14 Future disposal of residual Regional collaboration on Energy from Waste plants through WG support Financial savings Operational around 2020 Zero waste to landfill Item 5Appendix A 63

15 Household Waste Recycling Centres Currently have HWRC’s at Maesteg, Ogmore Vale, Brynmenyn, and Tythegston Currently achieving around 68% recycling Not there for public funds to subsidise businesses, but are trialling trade recycling Item 5Appendix A 64

16 Household Waste Recycling Centres Bidding to improve recycling facilities Need to discourage recyclates in black bags Targeted education and assistance to recycle Development of replacement HWRC Item 5Appendix A 65

17 Trade waste collection service Currently have 600 trade customers A high proportion of waste is recyclable Options for Trade Recycling Service:  Kerbside sort type of collection  Comingled collections  Targeted separate material collections Item 5Appendix A 66

18 Green waste collection service Improved service trial due to start in April Charge of £27 or £23 for concessions per season to cover cost of bags, collections, and disposal Fortnightly collections through to October Reusable plastic sacks All material composted, not landfilled Item 5Appendix A 67

19 Mattress and furniture recycling JBS have set up operation in Bridgend Have employed former Remploy staff Another great new initiative contributing to Zero Waste for Wales Item 5Appendix A 68

20 The key issues going forward Reduction in residual disposal costs Management of the May Gurney Contract Progressing long term disposal contracts Improving public participation in recycling Improving existing HWRCs Introduction of a new replacement HWRC Making the green waste service a success Introducing trade waste recycling Item 5Appendix A 69

21 Any Questions? Item 5Appendix A 70

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