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Key Stage 3 National Strategy Speaking and listening in mathematics © Crown Copyright 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Stage 3 National Strategy Speaking and listening in mathematics © Crown Copyright 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Stage 3 National Strategy Speaking and listening in mathematics © Crown Copyright 2003

2 Key Stage 3 National Strategy Mathematics 1.1 © Crown Copyright 2003 Slide 1 Objectives of literacy in mathematics To exemplify aspects of literacy across the curriculum for mathematics To develop consistent approaches to teaching and learning in literacy in mathematics To raise awareness of pupils’ skills, knowledge and understanding of literacy

3 Key Stage 3 National Strategy Mathematics 1.2 © Crown Copyright 2003 Slide 2 Literacy in mathematics Session 1Speaking and listening in mathematics Session 2Reading in mathematics Session 3Writing in mathematics Session 4Mathematical vocabulary

4 Key Stage 3 National Strategy Mathematics 1.3 © Crown Copyright 2003 Slide 3 Objectives for session 1 To consider the ways in which speaking and listening can support the development of concepts in mathematics To identify teaching strategies to support the development of speaking and listening in mathematics

5 Key Stage 3 National Strategy Mathematics 1.4 © Crown Copyright 2003 Slide 4 Ofsted evaluation of the second year As well as direct teaching and questioning, there was more teacher-led discussion, and more interactive teaching Oral and mental starters were used well in most schools Pupils had good opportunities to explain their strategies

6 Key Stage 3 National Strategy Mathematics 1.5 © Crown Copyright 2003 Slide 5 Organising discussion To be effective, discussions need to: – be planned – have clear, explicit and useful outcomes – have precise time limits – engage all pupils

7 Key Stage 3 National Strategy Mathematics 1.6 © Crown Copyright 2003 Slide 6 Useful phrases for solving word problems To begin with At first I know that One problem was I think the answer will be A possible solution would be Perhaps I could have To improve this I need The result is Overall I feel

8 Key Stage 3 National Strategy Mathematics 1.7 © Crown Copyright 2003 Slide 7 Talk can help us to: think through ideas express thoughts and opinions influence or convince other people articulate ideas share knowledge feed back and review ideas adapt and refine ideas negotiate solutions … and much more

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