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Weber State University Meeting the Challenges of Library Instruction in Core Writing Courses Carol Hansen Professor and Instruction Services Librarian.

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Presentation on theme: "Weber State University Meeting the Challenges of Library Instruction in Core Writing Courses Carol Hansen Professor and Instruction Services Librarian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weber State University Meeting the Challenges of Library Instruction in Core Writing Courses Carol Hansen Professor and Instruction Services Librarian ULA 2002

2 Across the Curriculum Information Literacy Across the Curriculum –This is our primary goal –English 2010 is an important venue ACRL Best Practices –ACRL selected WSU’s program as one of the top ten programs that exemplify best practices in information literacy programming for undergraduates

3 What We Do at WSU Library instruction session is scheduled for every section of English 2010 –40 to 50 sessions each semester –Sessions divided among those involveddivided –Library sends letter to every faculty member months in advance Letter includes a copy of the Web scheduleWeb schedule Letter goes to all adjuncts and teachers teaching off campus. Instructors of online sections are contacted

4 What We Do at WSU Library instruction session overview –English 2010 students, English faculty member and a librarian meet in the library classroom –Librarian introduces exercise quickly using PowerPoint –Students are given an exercise to complete using PC’s in classroom. Usually every student has a PC (may be a few sharing)classroom –Our emphasis is on students actively DOING research

5 English 2010 Exercise Students work together in classroom Students complete exercise on their own as homework, usually within 1 weekexercise English faculty grades exercise Students are required to –use an encyclopedia, 2 article databases, the Web catalog and Google –identify call numbers, format types, and evaluate and compare sources

6 Planning and Assessment Cycle Developing a “Culture of Assessment” Assessment plan is usefulAssessment plan Library Instruction Team and English Faculty –continually make suggestions and improvements even after a single session they will mark up exercise and put it under my door –PowerPoint slides and exercise are updated every semester

7 English Faculty Input is Critical Instruction Services Librarian meets with English Department –Meets with writing program chair once or twice a year –Meets with entire English department usually twice a year –Letters and emails requesting feedback from English Department faculty are requested 3 times a year.

8 Assessment Plan and Data Greatest challenge is the wide range of students required to take English 2010 –Most students tell us they really like the sessions and the exercise –About 10% of the students feel they already have the skills –About 5% feel overwhelmed –We gather data and use it to continually improve instruction

9 Any Questions? We will be looking for new ideas at the ACRL Best Practices Conference in June This slide show is on the Web at

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