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Respond Deliver & Enable Governance Effectiveness Framework Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust.

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Presentation on theme: "Respond Deliver & Enable Governance Effectiveness Framework Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust."— Presentation transcript:

1 Respond Deliver & Enable Governance Effectiveness Framework Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust

2 Respond Deliver & Enable Values and Behaviours Good Governance Standard for Public Services Good governance flows from a shared ethos or culture, as well as from systems and structures. It cannot be reduced to a set of rules, or achieved by compliance with a set of requirements

3 Respond Deliver & Enable Progress so far…. Foresight Partnership – Half day session on Board effectiveness and appraisals – linked to COG effectiveness Established a “Governance Framework” Next steps: –Agree framework –Develop individual appraisals –Established collective Board appraisal –Consider fit with COG appraisal/ effectiveness

4 Respond Deliver & Enable Governance guidance galore Range of guidance as NHS organisations embark on the FT journey (+30 sources of guidance) Key Monitor documents: Compliance framework (May 08) Code of Governance (Sep 06) Applying for FT Status: guide for applicants Governance Effectiveness Framework brings together the guidance, using Good Governance Standard as the conceptual framework

5 Respond Deliver & Enable Performing effectively in clearly defined functions and roles Promoting values for the whole organisation and demonstrating good governance through behaviour Taking informed, transparent decisions, managing performance and risks Developing capacity and capability of governing body and the organisation to be effective GEF - Based on Good Governance Standard for Public Services Focus on purpose, strategy & outcomes for citizens and patients

6 Respond Deliver & Enable Focus on purpose, strategy and outcomes for citizens and patients Being clear about the organisation’s purpose and its intended outcomes for citizens and patients Developing strategy to reflect purpose and to deliver outcomes for citizens and patients

7 Respond Deliver & Enable Performing effectively in clearly defined functions and roles Clear understanding of core functions of governance (strategy, accountability, stewardship) Clarity of roles: executive, non-executive and relationship with governors Quality, Clinical and research governance arrangements Role of Governors

8 Respond Deliver & Enable Promoting and demonstrating values for the whole organisation through behaviour Developing values for the whole organisation, including corporate social responsibility, equality and human rights Individual directors behaving in ways that uphold and exemplify effective governance

9 Respond Deliver & Enable Taking informed, transparent decisions managing performance and risk Rigour and transparency re how decisions are made particularly strategic decisions Having and using good quality information, advice and support Focus on organisational performance management Financial performance, allocation of resources, value for money Management of risk Management of investments

10 Respond Deliver & Enable Developing the capacity and capability of the organisation to be effective Making sure directors (both executive and NEDs) have skills, knowledge and experience needed to perform well Developing capability of directors, and the Council of Governors including corporate team working Evaluating performance of BoD, as individuals and as a group Striking a balance, in membership of BoD, between continuity and renewal

11 Respond Deliver & Enable Engaging stakeholders and making accountability real Understanding formal and informal accountability relationships Taking an active and planned approach to dialogue with and accountability to membership, patients and public Taking an active and planned approach to responsibility to staff Engaging effectively with institutional stakeholders

12 Respond Deliver & Enable Direct and control organisation in the public interest Allocate resourcesConstructively challenge Ensure effective top teamForge strategic partnerships Delegate to managementEnsure public and patient voice is heard Accountability for organisational performance Stewardship Assure organisation managed with probity and integrity Strategic direction In conjunction with the executive Monitor performanceManage risk

13 Respond Deliver & Enable Application to COG Governance framework can be applied to COG Foresight Partnership proposed the following framework for COG Key issues –fit with overall governance framework –Development of specific approach to both framework and collective effectiveness appraisal

14 Respond Deliver & Enable © Foresight Partnership Ltd 2009 Membership/ Advisory Strategy Ambassador Guardian Council of Governors Effectiveness Framework

15 Respond Deliver & Enable Issues for COG Does this look like a good starting point for a COG governance framework? What are the similarities/ differences between the governance framework for the Board and the COG What issues do we need to consider when developing a process for appraising COG effectiveness?

16 Respond Deliver & Enable Proposed next steps Develop an integrated Governance framework for the COG that fits to overall governance framework - FP Develop an approach to undertake effectiveness appraisal of the COG – FP Undertake collective appraisal of the COG later this year

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