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Management Structure Proposals

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1 Management Structure Proposals
Oct 2009

2 Head of Human Resources
DIRECTOR Corporate Governance Head of Finance S. 95 Officer Head of Legal and Democratic Services Monitoring Officer Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development Head of Customer Service and Performance Best Value Internal Audit Risk Management Community Planning Corporate Performance Management Customer Relations Customer Service (CRM, Contact Centre, Access Points) ICT Services Programme Management Office Business Improvement Shared Services Process Redesign Improvement Management Knowledge Management Research and Information Financial Strategy Financial Services Accounting Budget (Management Control) Payments/Creditors Accounts Receivable Financial Planning Financial Systems Pensions Treasury Insurance Revenues and Benefits VAT Management Financial Performance Legal Services Licensing Archives Court Committee Services Democratic Services Registrar & Registration Legal Performance Members’ Services HR Strategy Employee Relations HR Policies Personal Development Training Health and Wellbeing Recruitment and Selection Payroll Equality and Diversity HR Performance Head of Service Structure Chart Oct 2009

3 DIRECTOR Education, Culture and Sport
Head of Communities, Culture and Sport Head of Schools and Educational Establishments Head of Educational Development, Policy and Performance Early Years Primary Schools Secondary Schools Offsite and Specialist Provision Additional Support Needs 0-18 Learning Strategy 0-18 Curriculum and Quality Development Service Improvement CPD for Pre-School and Schools New Educational Development Performance and overall Service Improvement Learning Strategy Learning Estate Strategy Workforce Planning Service Resource and Budget Management Quality Assurance, Inspection and Audit ICT Policy and Practice Community Learning and Development Culture Sport Social and Economic Regeneration Sustainable Development Educational Psychology Post-school Transitions Children’s Services Joint Working Head of Service Structure Chart Oct 2009

4 Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure
DIRECTOR Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure * * * Head of Asset Management and Operations Head of Planning and Sustainable Development Fleet Property and Facilities Management Roads and Lighting Operations Asset Management Capital Planning Coastal Defence and Flooding Professional Property Services Contract Management Partnerships and Projects *** Infrastructure Strategy Infrastructure Programmes and Design Sustainable Development Planning Strategy Building Standards Development Management Partnerships and Projects Masterplanning Design Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route * Shared ACSEF Management Post ** Linkage to AECC Management Team and Board *** Does not include Housing Portfolio Head of Service Structure Chart Oct 2009

5 Housing and Environment Head of Regeneration and
DIRECTOR Housing and Environment Head of Environment Services Head of Housing and Community Safety Head of Regeneration and Housing Investment Waste Policy and Planning Street Cleaning Grounds Maintenance Waste Collection and Disposal Environmental Health Trading Standards Housing Policy and Planning Estate Management Allocations/Selections Homelessness Commissioning Community Safety City Wardens Police/Fire Liaison Civil Contingencies Cat 1 Response Regeneration Policy and Planning Regeneration Programme Management Neighbourhood Community Planning/ Joint Working HRA Asset Policy and Business Planning New Build Capital Refurbishment and SHQS Programme Delivery Housing Repairs Head of Service Structure Chart Oct 2009

6 Social Care and Wellbeing
DIRECTOR Social Care and Wellbeing Head of Children’s Services Head of Adults’ Services Head of Older People and Rehabilitation Services Family Community Support Alternative Family Care Young People’s Care and Accommodation Children in Need Reception and Protection Out of Hours Integrated Care at Home Resources Care Management Rehabilitation Learning Disability Mental Health & Substance Misuse Criminal Justice Head of Service Structure Chart Oct 2009

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