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Welcome! The Topic For Today Is… Your Topic Attitude towards the crew traits! Good traits!More traits! 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 5000 pts.

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2 Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…

3 Your Topic Attitude towards the crew traits! Good traits!More traits! 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 5000 pts

4 Topic 1: 200 Question: When Charlotte boards the ship she is _____ towards the crew? Answer What is unfriendly. Unfriendly: Not disposed to friendship.

5 Topic 1: 400 Question: Charlotte thinks she is better than the crew so she is _____ at first? Answer What is rude. Rude: Crude or rough in form or workmanship.

6 Topic 1: 600 Question: Charlotte acted _______ when she walked around the ship? Answer What is prissy. Prissy: Very prim or precise.

7 Topic 1: 800 Question: One way that Charlotte acted towards the crew was ________? Answer What is arrogant. Arrogant: Having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-importance.

8 Topic 1: 1000 Question: How did Charlotte act because of her position on the ship? Answer What is she acted sassy! Sassy: Rude or disrespectful.

9 Topic 2: 200 Question: Charlotte Doyle was brought up as a _______ young lady? Answer What is proper. Proper: Specially adapted or suitable to a specific purpose or condition.

10 Topic 2: 400 Question: Charlotte was taught to be very _______? Answer What is polite. Polite: Having or showing good manners.

11 Topic 2: 600 Question: When Charlotte’s attitude towards the crew changes she becomes very ________? Answer What is helpful. Helpful: Giving help or being useful.

12 Topic 2: 800 Question: Charlotte shows _________ after she joins the crew? Answer What is bravery. Bravery: Being courageous.

13 Topic 2: 1000 Question: When Charlotte meets the Captain she is very ________? Answer What is ladylike. Ladylike: Characteristic of a lady ; well-bred.

14 Topic 3: 200 Question: Charlotte is very ________ towards the crew when it comes to how things are done? Answer What is snobby. Snobby: Being stuck-up.

15 Topic 3: 400 Question: When faced with the choice between crew and captain Charlotte _______ chose captain? Answer What is cowardly. Cowardly: Shamefully fearful.

16 Topic 3: 600 Question: The Captain refers to Charlotte as ______ after she “disrespects” him in front of the crew? Answer What is naïve. Naïve: Not suspicious, unknowing.

17 Topic 3: 800 Question: Captain Jaggery refers to Charlotte as ______? Answer What is childish. Childish: Not fit for an adult, immature.

18 Topic 3: 1000 Question: Charlotte feels _______ about what happens to Mr. Cranick and Zachariah? Answer What is guilty. Guilty: Deserving of blame or punishment.

19 The Winner Of The Last Round Write Down How Much Money You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Loss the money!

20 What does the 19 th amendment state? What is that woman have the right to vote.

21 Sources All definitions brought to you by: Information from: The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle By: Avi

22 Thanks for Playing!

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