LIGO Laboratory / LIGO Scientific Collaboration LIGO-T1000521-v2 Advanced LIGO 13 th March 2014 Final Design Review Documentation and Drawing Overview.

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2 LIGO Laboratory / LIGO Scientific Collaboration LIGO-T1000521-v2 Advanced LIGO 13 th March 2014 Final Design Review Documentation and Drawing Overview A. S. Bell, R. Jones, M. Van Veggel Institute for Gravitational Research, University of Glasgow Distribution of this document: LIGO Scientific Collaboration This is an internal working note of the LIGO Laboratory. California Institute of Technology LIGO Project – MS 18-34 1200 E. California Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91125 Phone (626) 395-2129 Fax (626) 304-9834 E-mail: Massachusetts Institute of Technology LIGO Project – NW22-295 185 Albany St Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone (617) 253-4824 Fax (617) 253-7014 E-mail: LIGO Hanford Observatory P.O. Box 159 Richland WA 99352 Phone 509-372-8106 Fax 509-372-8137 LIGO Livingston Observatory P.O. Box 940 Livingston, LA 70754 Phone 225-686-3100 Fax 225-686-7189 Institute for Gravitational Research University of Glasgow Kelvin Building Glasgow G12 8QQ Phone: +44 (0)141 330 3340 Fax: +44 (0)141 330 6833 Web:

3 Final Design Review Documentation and Drawing Overview Colour coding Review documentation directly linked to file Review documentation linked to another slide Referenced documentation directly linked to file Referenced documentation linked to another slide Document change log: Pre-v1 – first draft for circulation in fibre group meeting This presentation is designed to allow one to follow the documentation path down an assembly by clicking on an item. In PDF format this will not work, but one can still navigate manually to the same place

4 Top-level break-down documentation T1000337 Monolithic Stage Final Design Document Preparation masses Design requirements docs Monolithic Assembly Docs Fibre pulling and welding

5 Design requirements docs T000053-04 Universal sus subsystem design requirements T010103-v1 aLIGO sus system conceptual design T010075-00 aLIGO systems design T020034 Low-frequency cut-off aLIGO In PDR T010075-00 was referenced, document was updated to T010075- 01 in Apr 2008  change impact monolithic unknown Further update in 2012 to T010075-02  no impact on monolithic In PDR T000053-03 was referenced, document was updated to T000053-04 in July 2008  no changes impacting monolithic In PDR T010103-04 was referenced, document was updated to T010103-05 in Feb 2006  no changes impacting monolithic  has not been updated to incorporate baseline change to fibres Link now to new DCC version –v1 identical to -05 Design requirement docs M080363 Change baseline to tapered fibres M080134 E/ITM and BS/FM pitch frequencies and d-values This document has been updated to take account of the note on revision d- distances by Ken Strain T0900556-v1 T0900556-v1 This document followed document T080091-00:T080091-00: Proposal baseline change from ribbons to fibres

6 Preparation masses Preparation masses Drawings and parts of monolithic assembly Mass preparation procedure documentation Tooling for bonding

7 Fibre pulling and welding T1000239 CO2 Silica Fiber Pulling Machine description E1000489 Hazard Analysis for Fiber Pulling & Welding E1000366 Monolithic stage fabrication and assembly procedure Fibre production and preparation Welding Fibre pulling and welding T050213T050213 ETM/ITM Monolithic Stage Fabrication and Assembly

8 Mass preparation procedure documentation E1000278 ETM/ITM mass preparation procedure E1000277 ETM/ITM PUM preparation procedure Mass preparation procedure documentation NOTE: 1. Procedures have been tested extensively at LASTI for the prototype quadruple suspension. Document T1000114 describes bonding of the ears onto the ITM and PUM at LASTI and gives insight in the bonding of the prisms using VacSeal adhesive. The bonding of the magnet flag assemblies at LASTI is described in T080245T1000114T080245 E050228 Generic bonding procedure E1000079 First Contact procedure E1000265 Jig settings calculation spread sheet

9 Drawings and parts of monolithic assembly Drawings and Parts of monolithic assembly Ears Break-off Prisms Substrates Magnet flags D0902455 ETM bonded assembly D0902456 ITM bonded assembly D0902823 ETM PM bonded assembly D1001035 ITM PM bonded assembly

10 Tooling for bonding D0901592 Ear bonding jig D1001685 V-block assembly Tooling for bonding D1001623 Prism holder assembly

11 Substrates ETM-PM Design Specification: E080090-B Drawing: D080117-B DCN: E080172-B Design Specification: E080112-B Drawing: D080128-B DCN: E080172-B ITM-PM NOTE: 1.DCN documents include reverence to support notes constructed in the lead up to the review to track changes to features of the drawings/specs. (T080047-04, and T080048-05) 2. T080152 lists questions from the review, and the answers supplied by Glasgow. 3. UK Glass masses FDR overview document : T080098T080098 ITMETM Polishing Specification: E080512 Drawing: D080658-v3 DCN: E0900095 Polishing Specification: E080511 Drawing: D080657-v3 DCN: E0900095 Substrates US UK

12 Ears T0900447-v3 Fabrication Readiness Review Panel questions at review: T0900595-v1T0900595-v1 Response to panel Questions in FDR:T0900629-v2T0900629-v2 Ear fabrication readiness review report: L1000003-v3L1000003-v3 Ears D080751-02 ETM/ITM test mass ear D090007 ETM/ITM PUM ear (with recess) Quality control documentation: Forms to be filled in by the vendor consists of a dimension control sheet and a surface defects sheet: F1000013 The vendor is also required to supply a flatness measurement of the bonding surface

13 Break-off Prisms Design Document: E1000273 Drawing: D080479-v3 – on DCC Quality control documentation will have a similar layout as the quality control documentation written for the sapphire wire break-off prisms for the BS/FM (Q1000008). D080479-v3 ETM/ITM PM Break-off prisms

14 Magnet flags Drawings and parts: D070234 – PUM magnet flag assembly D070235 – PUM magnet holder D070236 – magnet flag mount D070237 – magnet base D070238 – steel disc D0901345 – 2 mm dia x 6 mm magnet D1001124 - magnet base (glass) D070234 PUM Magnet flag assembly Magnet flags

15 Fibre production and preparation Fibre production and preparation Fibre design file Pulling Machine Data Set (text file) T1000367 Design Document Theoretical and actual profiles D1001024 Headline Description/Manual: T1000239 T1000239 Design Document Drawings: D070560 Overall Assembly D070560 Overall Assembly (Drawing Pack) – needs to be updated to remove subassemblies no longer in use, and to refresh the machine configurations. Characterisation Profiler Proof Tester & Bounce Tester Storage Rack

16 Fibre characterisation Profiler T1000024 Manual/ Design Document D070524D070524 Ribbon/Fibre Profiler Lighting Assembly D070523D070523 Ribbon/Fibre Profiler Base Tower Assembly D070533D070533 Ribbon/Fibre Profiler Upper Clamping Frame Assembly D070521D070521 Ribbon/Fibre Profiler Camera Assembly D070520D070520 Ribbon/Fibre Profiler Base Assembly D070519D070519 Ribbon/Fibre Profiler Overall Assembly Proof / Bounce Tester T0900586 Manual/ Design document List of Drawings D1002067D1002067 Proof and bounce tester enclosure D1002069D1002069 Proof and bounce tester door D1002083D1002083 aLIGO SUS UK bounce tester D1002082D1002082 aLIGO SUS UK proof tester Strength Tester (2009) T1000345 Design Specification List of Drawings LIGO-D080197 (Original) Strength Tester (2002) Assembly Drawing (on DCC and PDM Works: LIGO-D1001879

17 Welding Welding Documentation Overview procedure document Training Regime T1000419 List of Parts & Drawings Tooling List Weld mirror assemblies D1001748 Fibre Cutter D1000357 Bow (Fibre Holder) D1001767 Storage Rack LIGO-D1000008-v3 Diamond scribes DR 60 refil Fuse ends D080017 Fuse end bonding jig D1001532 Welding Shelf D080036D080036 / D1100429D1100429 Jack D0901302 Welding Head (BIRDCAGE) D080040 Laser Synrad Firestar f100 Articulated Arm Weld Scaffold D080392 Computer Software T1000418 Computer Hardware Weld Test Evidence e.g. G1000436 and G0900783G1000436G0900783 Vapour Extraction Some of the parts on this list e.g. “Jack D0901302” and “Vapour Extraction” have been updated and current versions have not been captured in this document

18 Fibre Guard Prototype List of Drawings D0902505 Fibre Guard Assembly all parts D0902506 Fibre guard assembly D0902507 Fibre guard Main Body D0902508 Fibre guard Separator D0902509 Fibre guard angle section 1 D0902510 Fibre guard angle section 2 D0902511 Fibre guard angle section 3 D0902512 Fibre guard angle section 4 D0902513 Fibre guard angle section 5 D0902514 Fibre guard angle section 6 D0902515 Fibre guard angle section 7 D0902516 Fibre guard angle section 8 D0902517 Fibre guard angle section 9 D0902518 Fibre guard angle section 10 D0902519 Fibre guard angle section 11 Fibre Guard Design Document: T1000472T1000472 Fibre guard

19 Appendix: Notes related to design review in 2005 Top level overview document: T050215-00-K_Monolithic stage conceptual design.doc Monolithic assembly procedure: T050213_00_K_ETM_ITM_Monolithic_Fabrication_and_Assembly All other documents: T040170-01_R&D Plan T050216-00-K_Bond Thermal Noise T050205-00-D_Alignment_of_Ears T050207-00-K_Optical Profiling T050219-00-K_alternative to wire loops T050212-00-K_ribbon tolerances & alignment T050118-00-K ribbon ear interface T050206-00-K_Ribbon Characterisation T050208-00-K ear position & angular alignment T040213-01-K_Update on Development of a CO2 Laser Machine for pulling of silica fibres and ribbons

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