Traditional Hungarian Costumes

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1 Traditional Hungarian Costumes

2 Hungarians (and also their ethnic groups living beyond the current frontiers in the Carpathian-Basin) are well known for their remarkably ornamented and richly coloured traditional costumes, varying by ethnographic regions, age and gender of the wearer. A traditional attire dinoted easily who the person, wearing it, was and it also told about their age, the seasonal occassion or festvity it was used for. Neither could one’s social background or property status remain disguised when wearing these costumes.


4 Women’s national folk costume from Somogy County.

5 National folk costume from Szabolcs

6 Women’s national folk costume from the village of Bogács

7 Women’s national folk costume from Hollókő, the only Hungarian UNESCO World Heritage located in the Palóc ethnographic region.

8 Young girls and married women from the Palóc region were the ones wearing the most sumptuous traditional attires accross the whole Carpathian-Basin, such as bonnets, waistcoats and skirts. For the young girls it was traditional to wear white coloured necklaces of pearls whereas married women wore them in bule or green. For elderly people, however, it was unbecoming to wear pearls in any form at all.

9 Traditional costumes from the village of Kazár
Traditional costumes from the village of Rimóc Traditional costumes from the village of Kazár

10 Traditional costumes from the ethnographic region of Matyó

11 The traditional costume of the Matyós were extraordinary precious.
To get hold of a nice piece of this art young girls and lads spent years scrapeing and saving every penny .

12 Traditional costumes from the ethnographic region of Jászság

13 Women’s national folk costume from the region of Dél-Alföld (Southern Hungary).

14 National folk costumes from Sárköz.

15 Women’s national folk costume from Kalocsa.

16 Kalocsa with its costumes of folkloristic ornaments excels from others in the region.
A hundred years ago women in Kalocsa wore a so called single bue-dye dress. Later on, however, their costumes became one of the most sumptuous traditional attires accross the Carpathian-Basin.


18 A snapshot of the traditional Rábaköz ethnographic region (northwestern Hungary).

19 Women’s national folk costume and an authentic Hungarian couple from the region of Mezőség (Transilvania, Romania).

20 and drawers embrodied with tiny floral patterns.
Women in Rábaköz tied colourful silk apron in front of their long skirts, men wore shirts and drawers embrodied with tiny floral patterns.

21 National folk costume from Csíkszereda
(Transilvania, Romania).

22 Traditional couple wearing a sumptuous attire from Torockó (Transilvania, Romania).

23 The traditional costume of Torockó is attrackting the eyes with its vivid colours of basic red and blue.

24 Traditional Hungarian embroidered peasant cloak and ornamented women’s wear from the ethnographic Kalotaszeg region (Transilvania,Romania) .

25 is that of the ethnographic region Kalotaszeg.
The most beautifull traditional costume in Erdély (Transylvania, Romania) is that of the ethnographic region Kalotaszeg.

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