God, my Physician, I cried to you for help, And you healed me. My Preserver, you lifted my soul from death, Kept me alive during my plunge to the pit…

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Presentation on theme: "God, my Physician, I cried to you for help, And you healed me. My Preserver, you lifted my soul from death, Kept me alive during my plunge to the pit…"— Presentation transcript:


2 God, my Physician, I cried to you for help, And you healed me. My Preserver, you lifted my soul from death, Kept me alive during my plunge to the pit… You change my mourning clothes to dancing, You loosened my sackcloth and covered me with joy… God, my Help, I will spill out gratitude to you forever. Psalm 30:3,4,12,13b – The Complete Psalms Translated by Pamela Greenberg




6 †Share Feelings †Ask questions †Listen to each other †Gain Insight †Receive support †Confidential


8 Prayer is central to WTMP. Each session begins and ends with prayer to invite Jesus and his healing touch into our presence. As you WTMP, someone unknown to you until the final session, will pray for you on your journey. They keep your participation in the program confidential.




12 If you, or someone you know, would be interested in receiving more information about WTMP please contact: Richard R. Kuns – rkuns@ceoexpress.comrkuns@ceoexpress.com Or Geri Smith – geridov@comcast.netgeridov@comcast.net

13 O God of grace and glory, we remember before you this day all who mourn, trusting in your boundless compassion to console them. Give us faith to see in death the gate of eternal life, so that in quiet confidence we may continue our course on earth, until, by your call, we are reunited with those who have gone before; through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN

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