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 Bellwork:  Answer this in 5-6 sentences on page 18 of your INB  What is a monologue? What is the function of a monologue in a play? Why would a playwright.

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Presentation on theme: " Bellwork:  Answer this in 5-6 sentences on page 18 of your INB  What is a monologue? What is the function of a monologue in a play? Why would a playwright."— Presentation transcript:

1  Bellwork:  Answer this in 5-6 sentences on page 18 of your INB  What is a monologue? What is the function of a monologue in a play? Why would a playwright decide to include one?  Agenda:  Bellwork (page 18)  Notes: Monologue (page 19)  Classwork: Write a monologue for Lizzie confessing to the murders  REMINDERS: Journals are due. If Napoli can get up here to check them, she will. If not, Ms. Howard will check them tomorrow. You needed 4; two for Act 1 and two for Act 2 with corresponding left sides.

2 Notes: on page 19 of your INB

3 A monologue is a long speech that expresses the thoughts or feelings of one character.

4 In theatre, the monologue can be a great gift. It's a gift to the audience to look up on that stage and see inside the thoughts of a human being. For the great monologues are private moments, secrets, emotions, heartbreaks, wonders.

5 In every monologue, there must be the need for the character to speak. Monologues can also tell us what drives the character and character’s motivation.

6  They each involve a solitary speaker.  The difference between the two doesn't have to do with who's talking but with who's listening.

7  A monologue — from the Greek monos (" single ") and legein ("to speak") — is a speech given by a single person to an audience.

8  But a soliloquy — from the Latin solus (" alone ") and loqui ("to speak") — is a speech that one gives to oneself.  In a play, a character delivering a soliloquy talks to herself — thinking out loud, as it were — so that the audience better understands what is happening to the character internally  Source: ure/whats-the-difference-between-a-soliloquy- and-a-monologue ure/whats-the-difference-between-a-soliloquy- and-a-monologue

9  A monologue should have a beginning, middle and an end.  A monologue should always reveal something – be it a story, a secret, an answer to a question, or an emotional outpouring.  A monologue offers insight into the character.

10 What if Blood Relations ended with Lizzie confessing to her sister and the actress? Using what you have learned, write a monologue for Lizzie confessing to the murders. Do this on page 18 of your INB. Follow the requirements of a monologue found in the notes taken today. It should be at least 25-30 lines.

11 How could you just use me like this? I thought we had something together. I thought I meant something to you. When you chose me, I was so excited. ME, you picked me out of everyone else. I was a little worried about leaving home, even though it was always, always cold in there, but I just knew that together we would have the most exciting and fabulous life. I gave up everything for you. And you --- you just threw me away. You used me up, and threw me away. Was this all I meant to you? Was I just some … container to you? Nothing more? You could at least have put me in the recycling bin.


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