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UNIT 2 LESSON 8. THE STUDENT WILL BE ABLE TO…  Understand the difference between movement and migration  Discuss different types of migration.

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2 THE STUDENT WILL BE ABLE TO…  Understand the difference between movement and migration  Discuss different types of migration

3 MIGRATION VS. MOVEMENT  Migration: “Permanent relocation of one’s place of residence and generally considered to be a long distance move” (Malinowski and Kaplan, 2013, p. 92).  Cyclical movements: “Occur when people move back and forth between two places or among a few locations”  Periodic Movement: “Population moves, often over long distance, that occur from time to time but are not permanent”

4 TYPES OF MIGRATION  Free Migration: “Decision to relocate permanently to another location without coercion, support, or compulsion of any government.”  Restricted Migration: Free decision, but at the mercy of quotas  Impelled Migration: It’s a choice, but pressured by government or another institution in power to move, some choice, but the choice points to movement.

5 TYPES OF MIGRATION (CONT.)  Forced Migration: Forcefully moving a group of people out of a country by government policies or actions.  Human Trafficking  Estimates about 2.5 million  Persecution (Jews)  Child Soldiers soldiers.html soldiers.html  Slave Trade  Native Americans

6 REFUGEES (PEOPLE FROM FORCED MIGRATION)  Refugees: “any person who is outside any country of such person's nationality or, in the case of a person having no nationality, is outside any country in which such person last habitually resides and who is unable or unwilling to return to, and is unable or unwell to avail himself or herself of the protection of that country because of persecution or a well- founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion” (U.S. Government). (Video World Disaster Report)

7 RURAL TO URBAN MIGRATION  Rural-to-urban migration: Industrialized countries often have urbanized populations of over 75%  As countries become more industrialized, more people move to the cities.  Internal migration (movement within a country)  International migration (movement between countries)

8 VIDEO  India

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