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“ser” “to be”.

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Presentation on theme: "“ser” “to be”."— Presentation transcript:

1 “ser” “to be”

2 “ser”- to be When you ask “¿De dónde eres?”, you are already using part of the verb “ser” The following is the conjugation of “ser” “Ser” is an irregular verb This means that “ser” ___________________

3 “ser”- _____ Yo soy ( I am) Tú eres (You are) Usted es (You are)
Él es (He is) Ella (She is) Nosotros somos We are Nosotras somos Ustedes son (You pl. are) Ellos son Ellas (They are)

4 Some verb rules Making a sentence negative --- Yo no soy de Olean.
Put “no” before the verb Yo soy de Olean . Yo no soy de Olean.

5 Some verb rules Subject pronouns ARE NOT required with verbs. They may not be needed is the verb identifies the subject OR if the subject is known. ¿De dónde eres (tú)? Where are YOU from? (Yo) soy de Olean. I am from Olean. (Él) es de Florida. He is from Florida,

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