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Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Novato Sanitary District Wastewater Facilities Upgrade Presenter: Beverly James, Manager-Engineer.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Novato Sanitary District Wastewater Facilities Upgrade Presenter: Beverly James, Manager-Engineer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Novato Sanitary District Wastewater Facilities Upgrade Presenter: Beverly James, Manager-Engineer Board of Directors: James Fritz, President Michael Di Giorgio, President Pro Tem Arthur Knutson William Long George Quesada

2 Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Project Goals  Replace aging, failure-prone, unsafe facilities  Provide full secondary treatment to all flows – NO BLENDING  Meet regulatory requirements  Reduce carbon footprint  Cost-effective Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction

3 Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction After almost 60 years of Service Novato Sanitary District breaks ground for a new plant September 2006

4 Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Novato Sanitary District  Serves about 60,000 residents.  200 miles of sewers, 40 pump stations  Two wastewater treatment plants,  0.5 mgd tertiary recycled water treatment plant  820 acres of ponds and irrigated pasture. Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction

5 Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Novato Sanitary District Service Area Ignacio Tributary Area Novato Tributary Area

6 Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Project Overview  New transfer pump station and equalization basins replace Ignacio Treatment Plant  Pipeline from Ignacio Pump Station to Novato Plant  New Activated Sludge Plant at the Novato Plant site Average Dry Weather Flow 7 mgd Average Wet Weather Flow 10.3 mgd Peak 3-hour Flow 52 mgd

7 Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Project Overview

8 Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Septage Treatment Process Schematic Activated Sludge UV Primary Clarifier Digestion Headworks Secondary Clarifier Thickening Influent Effluent Disposal Gravity Bypass

9 Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Project Schedule

10 Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Construction designed for minimum impact  Most construction takes place on existing treatment plant sites  Horizontal drilling through environmentally sensitive areas  Pipeline route selected to minimize traffic disruption  Archaelogical and biological monitors onsite during work in sensitive locations

11 Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Project Cost

12 Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Project Financing  State Revolving Fund Loan$81,329,083  Revolving Line of Credit$30,000,000 (5 year Bridge loan at 4.34%)  Certificates of Participation$16,000,000 or Revenue Bonds  PG&E Savings by Design $80,000 Grant

13 Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Greenhouse Gas Emissions Evaluated the greenhouse gas footprint of current treatment facilities and each alternative Selected the process with the lowest greenhouse gas footprint (0.0066 lbs CO2 equivalent/year/mgd capacity) New facility represents a 13% reduction in greenhouse gas footprint over existing facility. Evaluated individual equipment based on energy use.

14 Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Horizontal Drill

15 Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Pipe Layout for Horizontal Drill

16 Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Directors Jim Fritz and Bill Long Inspecting Construction

17 Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Ignacio Equalization Basin Project Overview Approach Energy Efficient Design Energy Production Summary

18 Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Ignacio Pump Station

19 Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Project Team  Project Manager: Sandeep Karkal, NSD  Planning and Design: RMC Water  Environmental: ESA  Value Engineering: HDR & Covello  Constructability Review: HDR & Covello  Construction Management: HDR & Covello  Contractors: Pre-loading: Ghilotti Brother’s Construction Ignacio Pump Station: Maggiora & Ghillotti Ignacio Pipeline: Ghilotti Construction Novato Treatment Plant: Monterey Mechanical

20 Energy Efficient Design Low Cost State Loan Low-Impact Construction Thank You Questions? Contact Information: Novato Sanitary District 500 Davidson Street (415)892-1694 Beverly James:

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