LEXICAL EQUIVALENCE AND GRAMMATICAL ADJUSTMENTS. Lexical Equivalence Translate the words below, please! IndonesianEnglish Kucing Buku Kaya Cat Book Rich.

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Presentation on theme: "LEXICAL EQUIVALENCE AND GRAMMATICAL ADJUSTMENTS. Lexical Equivalence Translate the words below, please! IndonesianEnglish Kucing Buku Kaya Cat Book Rich."— Presentation transcript:


2 Lexical Equivalence Translate the words below, please! IndonesianEnglish Kucing Buku Kaya Cat Book Rich What is our effort in replacing the words above? At least, Consult a bilingual dictionary

3 Would you like to translate the underline words below, please? He is wearing glasses. Kaca Mata My son has broken a glass in the kitchen Gelas The door is made of glass Kaca What do we get from the example above?

4 Translation is concerned with words, but not with words alone. Most of English words have more than one meaning The best way to know the Indonesian equivalent of English words or the English equivalent of Indonesian words would be through context The meaning of a word is determined by the specific context in which it is used.

5 Exercises Find out the Indonesian equivalent of the underline English words in context! 1.We eat rice every day. 2.They have been working in the rice mill for hours. 3.My wife prefers to drink water for breakfast. 4.Henry is still green at his job. 5.Turn to the right at the next corner. 6.You have the right to say “no”. 7.Sialang Buah is a nice beach in North Sumatra. 8.My youngest daughter is still in the first grade of Elementary School 9.The average grade for her Math is 7.5 10.Today is very hot. Nasi Padi Air Belum Berpengalaman Kanan Hak Menarik Kelas Angka Panas

6 Exercises Find out the English equivalent of the underline Indonesian words in context! 1.Rendang itu terlalu pedas buat saya. 2.Kalau kamu mau pergi, aku pergi juga. 3.Kalau kamu tidak makan, aku juga tidak makan. 4.Banyak sekali uangmu Tony. 5.Ari tidak mempunyai banyak teman. 6.Selamat malam, pak! 7.Selamat tinggal, dik! 8.A Tjong meninggal dua minggu yang lalu. 9.Matikan lampu kamar mandi, sayang! 10.Sewaktu kami enak-enaknya makan, tiba- tiba lampu mati. Hot too either Much Many Evening Bye Passed away Switch off Went out

7 Rokan River, June 2008.

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