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Report of Working Group II: TRANSPARENCY IN IMPLEMENTATION with regard to selection of beneficiaries, identification of works, preparation of estimates.

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Presentation on theme: "Report of Working Group II: TRANSPARENCY IN IMPLEMENTATION with regard to selection of beneficiaries, identification of works, preparation of estimates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report of Working Group II: TRANSPARENCY IN IMPLEMENTATION with regard to selection of beneficiaries, identification of works, preparation of estimates etc

2 Members of Group II n Mr K S Gopal n Dr Indira Rajaraman n Mr Brajendra Ganesh n Mr Pankaj Hazarika n Mr D Bandyopadhyay (Chairperson) n Mr A P Mukherjee (Member, ARC) n Dr Lekha S Chakraborty (Rapporteur) n Dr H K Amarnath

3 Question I: Selection Criteria n Interpreting Section III of Act. n Delimiting Household –Rigidly enforce “Kitchen” definition/ Census information. –When more than three adults in a household, SECOND JOB CARD should be provided.

4 QII: How to ensure no “Elite Capture” – Anybody “entitled”/ volunteering should be provided jobcards. –If Panchayats does not give jobcards, the programme implementation officer must ensure this. –Distribution of Jobcards based on Census listing.

5 QIII: Procurement of Materials n OPEN TENDER DISPLAY TENDER NAMES, PRICING, MATERIALS ETC AT “ EGAS WEBSITE ” (village public display).

6 Q IV: DATA IN PUBLIC DOMAIN n MUSTER ROLL should be available for anyone to inspect. n Create website at village level and present the details n Record every WEEK, the details in the website. n Tracking the entire process through IT and making the database available to the public.

7 Q V: Checks and Balances n Strengthen Panchayat system. n Use SHGs in taking up works. n NGOs to be used, only if Panchayat system is not effective. n Corresponding check between Panchayat and NGOs.

8 Q V: Checks and Balances (contd..) n Each block to have “Citizens’ Monitoring Committee” – involving local Doctors, Teachers, Journalists, Human Rights Activists with Review every three months and facility for inspection and report to the State Councils. n Synergy with RTI –at every step and pro-active information sharing by Govt. agencies.

9 Q VII: WAGES n Not less than minimum wage: safety Clause to be included. n Wages to be EQUAL across gender and to be ensured by Programme Implementation Officer. n Task should be fair, reasonable and according to the capacity of an average man/woman.

10 Q VII: WAGES (contd…) n ‘TIME AND MOTION “ study to be the basis for ‘outturn’ schedules. –Engineering Staff College of India study. n Gender specific works study to ensure minimum wages. n Schedule of rates of all Departments to be aligned with NREGI schedule of rates.

11 Q VII: WAGES (contd…) n Ensure period-specific schedule of rates to determine variations in seasonality. n LEAD to be determined with Panchayat works having local lead. n Gender dimensions of LEADs must be included in deciding the schedule of rates.

12 Q VIII: Quality of Work n Entrust work to LABOUR BANKS. n Provide advance to Labour Banks to take up work. n No involvement of Contractors. n QUALITY OF LIFE TO WORKERS at worksite should be ensured including crèches, shades and water.

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