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Paul’s 2 main teachings from 1 Thessalonians 4:12 to 1 Thessalonians 5:11 are: 1)Christ’s Return for His Church 2)The Day of the Lord.

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Presentation on theme: "Paul’s 2 main teachings from 1 Thessalonians 4:12 to 1 Thessalonians 5:11 are: 1)Christ’s Return for His Church 2)The Day of the Lord."— Presentation transcript:



3 Paul’s 2 main teachings from 1 Thessalonians 4:12 to 1 Thessalonians 5:11 are: 1)Christ’s Return for His Church 2)The Day of the Lord

4 The Rapture 3 Common Views on the Rapture’s Timing: 1. Pre-tribulation Rapture - Before the seven year period known as the “Tribulation” 2. Mid-tribulation Rapture - 3 ½ years into the “Tribulation” and before the “Great Tribulation” or the last 3 ½ years 3. Post-tribulation Rapture - At the end of the “Great Tribulation”

5  Jesus will return for His church.  Believer’s have no need to fear.  It will be on God’s timetable.  It will happen instantly.  Our knowledge of this should encourage us.

6 For a believer For an unbeliever  Fixed eternity (Luke 16)  Spirit is present with the Lord  Body remains “asleep”  Body is resurrected, glorified and rejoined with the spirit at Jesus command  Appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ to give an account for our lives in Christ (for rewards) (timing?)  Live in the New Jerusalem for eternity

7  This day is not for believers.  It will happen suddenly.  People will not be expecting it.  It will be inescapable.  It will bring judgment on all unbelievers.

8 For a believer For an unbeliever  Fixed eternity (Luke 16)  Spirit is present with the Lord  Body remains “asleep”  Body is resurrected, glorified and rejoined with the spirit at Jesus command  Appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ to give an account for our lives in Christ (for rewards) (timing?)  Live in the New Jerusalem for eternity  Fixed eternity (Luke 16)  Spirit in a place of torment  Body remains in the ground  Appear before Jesus at the “Great White Throne Judgment”  Body resurrected (?)  Cast into the lake of fire to live for eternity

9 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22 - God’s Order in the Church 1 Thessalonians 5:23-28 – In Closing 2 Thessalonians 1:1-1:12 – God’s Vengeance

10 God’s Order in the Church  It is clear from this section that God has ordained a system of leadership within the body of Christ.  We are to respect, esteem and honor our church leaders.  This can’t be done unless we are willing to submit to authority.

11 God uses people to help us become more like Him but it is unique to the situation.  Admonish – warn and point in the right direction  Encourage- build up confidence  Help – assist unto maturity

12  Rejoiced always,  Prayed unceasingly,  Gave thanks in ALL circumstances? This is an attitude to live by, and it is born of complete trust in God!

13 1 Thessalonians 5:23-28


15 “Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor’s crown except by competing according to the rules.” 2 Timothy 2:5


17 2 Thessalonians 1:1-1:12

18 This second letter was likely written 6 months after the first. This shows the connectedness that Paul had with his flock. It also reminds us that we have a more hands–on responsibility to new Christians.


20 Our Servants Team gives thanks to God for the growth that has been reported to us. “What then is Apollos? and what is Paul? Ministers through whom ye believed; and each as the Lord gave to him. I planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.” 1 Corinthians 3:5-6

21 This growth is the evidence of God’s righteous judgment. When we face trials we should think like Peter… “For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?” 1 Peter 4:17

22 ” To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.” 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12

23 Whether it is in the here and now or in the final judgment, the Lord Jesus will inflict vengeance on those who make us suffer for His name’s sake.

24  It helps us to live through suffering.  It helps us to forgive our brothers and sisters.  It helps us to pray for those outside the church.

25 Are you focused on eternity?

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