Supplies for teacher 1 plastic bowl/containers per group per group- plastic spoon, 2 string, cup for oil supply, cup for soap water 2 cotton balls, cooking.

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Presentation on theme: "Supplies for teacher 1 plastic bowl/containers per group per group- plastic spoon, 2 string, cup for oil supply, cup for soap water 2 cotton balls, cooking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supplies for teacher 1 plastic bowl/containers per group per group- plastic spoon, 2 string, cup for oil supply, cup for soap water 2 cotton balls, cooking oil, paper towel, 25 mlgraduated cylinder (for collecting oil) eye dropper marbles or feathers, magnifier dish soap don’t forget: flammable oil demo at end

2 Oil Spill Cleanup! The S.S. iDrop Ruptures

3 The situation Pressure ruptures the single hull 5,000 barrels of oil leaked Oil continues to leak at a rate of 1,000 barrels per minute


5 Your Resources Boom Absorban t Skimme r Dispersan t

6 Your team 1 spill collector 1 veterinarian 1 oil leaker

7 The situation Pressure ruptures the single hull 5,000 barrels of oil leaked Oil continues to leak at a rate of 1,000 barrels per minute

8 Your Task Contain Collect Clean Oh no, oil! Quack!!!

9 Assess How much of the oil did you collect & clean from the spill? What problems did you encounter? What else could help after your efforts?

10 Go Clean!

11 Assess How much of the oil did you collect & clean from the spill? What problems did you encounter? What else could help after your efforts?

12 Further clean-up Microbes! Burning? ??

13 A quick demonstration

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