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Chinese Zodiac.

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Presentation on theme: "Chinese Zodiac."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chinese Zodiac

2 The 12 Animals of the Chinese Zodiac

3 The Zodiac animals are very popular in China and appear in many places.

4 Year of the Rat

5 Rats are: honest clever talkative energetic ambitious charming imaginative

6 Year of the OX

7 The Ox is: patient honest dependable tolerant determined hard-working strong

8 Year of the Tiger

9 Tigers are: emotional sensitive brave daring sympathetic powerful

10 Year of the Rabbit

11 Rabbits are: lucky peaceful virtuous kind articulate reserved conscientious

12 Year of the Dragon

13 Dragons are: excitable strong brave powerful trustworthy sensitive energetic

14 Year of the Snake

15 Snakes are: determined calm sympathetic elegant wise passionate

16 Year of the Horse

17 Horses are: fun independent talented cheerful perceptive popular

18 Year of the Goat

19 Goats are: elegant artistic gentle tender-hearted loving charming compassionate

20 Year of the Monkey

21 Monkeys are: clever inventive skillful confident enthusiastic flexible happy

22 Year of the Rooster

23 Roosters are: adventurous capable kind hard-working talented punctual

24 Year of the Dog

25 Dogs are: affectionate loyal generous helpful sporting honest

26 Year of the Pig

27 Pigs are: noble helpful forgiving honest sincere chivalrous

28 What’s your sign?

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