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Regions of France: AlsaceAquitaineAuvergneBrittany BurgundyCentre & Pays- de-la-Loire Champagne- Ardenne Corsica France-CompteÎle-de-FranceLangdoc- Roussillon.

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Presentation on theme: "Regions of France: AlsaceAquitaineAuvergneBrittany BurgundyCentre & Pays- de-la-Loire Champagne- Ardenne Corsica France-CompteÎle-de-FranceLangdoc- Roussillon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regions of France: AlsaceAquitaineAuvergneBrittany BurgundyCentre & Pays- de-la-Loire Champagne- Ardenne Corsica France-CompteÎle-de-FranceLangdoc- Roussillon Limousin LorraineMidi-PyreneesNormandyNord-Pas-de- Calais PicardyPoitou- Charentes Provence-Alpes- Côte d’Azur Rhone-Alps

2 Regions of France (with departments*) *The department is the key territorial unit of France; it corresponds to a county in the UK, a canton in Switzerland or a province in Spain

3 Regions of France project November 14-22 You will become an expert in a specific region of France, which you will then teach to others. You will have class/computer lab time to do your research and prepare your presentation. You must create the following required items: 1.poster for visual aid (see requirements page for poster info). You provide all materials to create poster 2.Tagxedo about your region (see requirements page for Tagxedo) brochure (see template on wiki for info) 4.oral presentation: You will say three sentences about your region IN FRENCH 1.“Voici (region)” 2.“Les villes principales sont (cities)” 3.“Voici deux choses interessantes … “(2 interesting things about your region- this explanation can be in English). Modèle: Voici “La Réunion” Les villes principales sont Saint-Denis, Saint-Paul, et Saint-Pierre. Voici deux choses intéressantes de Réunion- il y a des volcans et on utilise les euros. **Presentations will being on Monday, November 25. Presentations will be done in alphabetical order of the region. My region is ______________________________________ ( all project info is available on the wikispace, including hyperlinks to internet resources)

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