Big [b ɪ g] - большой Large [l ɑːʤ ] - широкий Long [l ɒ ŋ] - длинный Tall [t ɔː l] - высокий Clean [kli ː n] - чистый Merry [ ˈ m ɛ ri] - весёлый Short.

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Presentation on theme: "Big [b ɪ g] - большой Large [l ɑːʤ ] - широкий Long [l ɒ ŋ] - длинный Tall [t ɔː l] - высокий Clean [kli ː n] - чистый Merry [ ˈ m ɛ ri] - весёлый Short."— Presentation transcript:



3 Big [b ɪ g] - большой Large [l ɑːʤ ] - широкий Long [l ɒ ŋ] - длинный Tall [t ɔː l] - высокий Clean [kli ː n] - чистый Merry [ ˈ m ɛ ri] - весёлый Short [ ʃɔː t] - короткий Low [lə ʊ ] - низкий Pretty [ ˈ pr ɪ ti] - милый Happy [ ˈ hæpi] -счастливый Strong [str ɒ ŋ] - сильный Smart [sm ɑː t]- умный Angry [ ˈ æŋgri] - злой Call Wrong Bean Fairy Sort Hungry No Tall Strong Clean Merry Short Angry Low

4 In which line is there a mistake? 1. Find – faund – found, get – got - got 2. Give – gave – given, go – went - gone 3. Have – had – had, give – gave – given o

5 In which line is there a mistake? 1. Give – gave – given, go – went - gane 2. Have – had – had, give – gave – given 3. Faind – found – found, get – got - got o

6 In which line is there a mistake? 1. Give – gave – given, go – went - gone 2. Have – had – had, give – gave – given 3. Find – found – found, got – got - get get - got - got

7 Три степени сравнения прилагательных положительная степень (positive degree) сравнительная степень (comparative degree) превосходная степень (superlative degree) Cold colder the coldest Smallsmallerthe smollest Warm ____________ _________________ Interestingmore interesting the most interesting Expensive ___________ _____________________ Beautiful ___________ _____________________ Happyhappierthe happiest Big bigger the biggest

8 Конечная согласная удваивается, если односложное прилагательное оканчивается на одну согласную с предшествующим кратким гласным звуком.  Big - bigger  Fat - fatter  Hot - hotter

9 У прилагательных, оканчивающихся на согласную y (или -ly), в сравнительной и превосходной степени буква y меняется на i и прибавляется соответственно окончание -er и -est. Dry-drier-driest сухой-суше-самый сухой Happy-happier-happiest счастливый счастливее — самый счастливый

10 Cold the coldest beautifulmore beautiful cleancleaner The most interesting big the biggest

11 Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная Tall er Thetallest Askar Sultan Ablaihan

12 Asan is a clever student, but Omar is …… than him

13 1. My sister is …………. than my mother. (tall) 2. Altynai is ……….. than his sister. (intelligent, young) 3. Kostanay is.……….. than Rudnyi. (big) 4. She is ……….. than her brothers. (nice) 5. The English test was definitely ……… than the German test. (easy) 6. This book is ……………. than the film. (exciting) 7. She is …………. than her friends. (rich) 8. This way is ………….. than the other one. (dangerous) 9. Astana is ……… than Almaty. (beautiful)

14  1. warm - _____ - ______  2. young - ______ - _______  3. intelligent - _________ - _________  4. long - ______ - _______  5. fast - ______ - _______  6. busy - _____ - ______  7. interesting - ________ - _________  8. sweet - ______ - _______  10. short - ______ - _______

15 knowknewknown Pзнать, иметь представление makemade делать, изготавливать put Ставить, помещать, класть read Читать, прочитать runranrun Бежать, бегать



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