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KNOWING THE BIBLE FROM COVER TO COVER The quest to find a preacher: Who knows his Bible.

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Presentation on theme: "KNOWING THE BIBLE FROM COVER TO COVER The quest to find a preacher: Who knows his Bible."— Presentation transcript:

1 KNOWING THE BIBLE FROM COVER TO COVER The quest to find a preacher: Who knows his Bible.

2 The Quest To Find A Preacher Once upon a time there was a church without a pastor. (Here I appropriate the use of the word "pastor" as it is used in most denominational churches, not as it is used in the New Testament.) The Board of the church had interviewed several prospective ministers, but so far none were to their liking. Some were too bold, some were too quiet, some were too harsh, some were too flashy, and some, they thought, were just not pretty enough.

3 The Quest To Find A Preacher The last prospect stood before the Board. We will call him Sam. One of the Board members asked Sam if he knew his Bible. Sam replied, "I sure do – I know my Bible from cover to cover, from Generations to Revolutions." When someone asked him which part of the Bible he liked best, Sam answered, "The Book of Parables."

4 The Quest To Find A Preacher The Board members exchanged glances, then one of them asked Sam which parable he liked best. Sam replied, "I like the parable of the Good Samaritan best." The Board asked Sam if he would tell the story of the Good Samaritan, and here is the way Sam told it.

5 The Quest To Find A Preacher A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when he fell among thieves, and thorns grew up and choked the man. He didn't have any money and the Queen of Sheba came along and gave him a thousand talents and a hundred changes of raiment.

6 The Quest To Find A Preacher He got in a chariot and rode furiously along, and as he rode his hair got caught on the limb of a tree and he hung there many days, and the ravens brought him food to eat and water to drink.

7 The Quest To Find A Preacher Finally, Delilah came along and cut off his hair and he fell on stony ground, and it rained forty days and forty nights. So he went and hid himself in a cave and the dogs came and licked his sores.

8 The Quest To Find A Preacher As he returned to Jerusalem, he saw an old hen trying to get her chickens under her wings, but some of them would not. He went a little farther and met a man who asked him to have supper with him, but he said, "I can't, because I have married a wife,“ but he compelled him, so he ate supper with him and they had locusts and wild honey.

9 The Quest To Find A Preacher As he was going down the street, he looked up and saw Jezebel in a window, and when she saw him she laughed at him. When she laughed, he said, "Fling down Jezebel." And they flung her down.

10 The Quest To Find A Preacher And he said, "Fling her down again – seventy times seven." So they flung her down seventy times seven, and of the fragments they picked up twelve baskets. Now in the judgment whose wife is she going to be?

11 The Quest To Find A Preacher The Board members smiled at one another and dismissed Sam. The time had come to cast their votes for the best candidate for pastor of the church. They reflected on each individual they had interviewed. When the votes were tallied it was unanimous.

12 The Quest To Find A Preacher Sam was the new preacher. All agreed that he would be an outstanding pastor for their church. He met all their qualifications, and, most important, he "knew his Bible from cover to cover"!

13 Why This Story. This story has been around for many years. There are variations of the story, but you get the idea. Sam mixed some of the bible stories together. Some stories are presented as coming from children. They are cute stories

14 Why This Story The sad part is that the committee knew so little of their Bibles And now they rejoice because they have a preacher that knows the Bible from cover to cover. Now if you think this story is outrageous, think again. This has actually happened in some places.

15 Why This Story Many people reject the Bible, but feel that their preacher should know their Bible. Many members are happier when they know their preacher knows his Bible. That is one reason many of these groups call the preacher their pastor. He is the one to lead the flock, and he needs to know the instructions so he can teach them.

16 What About You Do you know your Bible? Do you know what each book is about? Do you know where the OT ends and the NT begins? What is your favorite story? What is your favorite verse?

17 What About You Do you study your Bible? Do you know it well enough to tell someone what it is about? Or do you go see the movie rather than read the book. That can get you into trouble.

18 Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children”.

19 Conclusion This may be humorous to a point. It is really a sad commentary upon people. The knowledge of God is the greatest treasure known to man, And so few seek such knowledge. 2 Peter 3:18 “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…”

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