Parents Need To Know About… HB 656 Georgia Academic Placement and Promotion Law Revised 7/08, Department for Elementary Instruction, DeKalb County School.

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Presentation on theme: "Parents Need To Know About… HB 656 Georgia Academic Placement and Promotion Law Revised 7/08, Department for Elementary Instruction, DeKalb County School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parents Need To Know About… HB 656 Georgia Academic Placement and Promotion Law Revised 7/08, Department for Elementary Instruction, DeKalb County School System

2 What is HB 656? Passed by the Georgia General Assembly in 2001 as part of the A+ Education Reform act of 2000 Establishes rules that all public school districts must follow regarding promotion of students (Section 14 of HB 656) Revised 7/08, Department for Elementary Instruction, DeKalb County School System

3 What is HB 656? Mandates rules regarding academic promotion that apply to students in grades 3, 5 and 8 Impacts the content areas of reading and mathematics Requires that the Criterion-Referenced Competency Test (CRCT) will be used primarily to determine promotion Revised 7/08, Department for Elementary Instruction, DeKalb County School System

4 When Did HB 656 Start? 3 rd graders had to pass the reading section of the CRCT in spring 2004 to be promoted to grade 4. 5 th graders had to pass the reading and math sections in spring 2005 to be promoted to grade 6. 8 th graders had to pass reading and math to go to grade 9 in spring 2006. Revised 7/08, Department for Elementary Instruction, DeKalb County School System

5 What is the school’s role? Conduct an analysis and interpretation of existing test data for each student to determine strengths and weaknesses Examine classroom work of each student and compare it to test data to look for patterns in achievement Revised 7/08, Department for Elementary Instruction, DeKalb County School System

6 What is the school’s role? Offer PTAs and other forums to discuss the school’s instructional program Call and, or send notices to parents inviting them to discuss academic progress with teachers Provide support programs during the school day and beyond the school day for additional academic assistance ………………………………. Revised 7/08, Department for Elementary Instruction, DeKalb County School System

7 What is the school’s role? Develop individualized instructional plans (Level I) for students who need greater assistance with academic development Plan meetings with parents to discuss instructional support plans to improve achievement and provide suggestions to parents on how to help at home Revised 7/08 Department for Elementary Instruction, DeKalb County School System

8 What is the parent’s role? Create an environment at home that contributes to success at school Ensure that your child attends school regularly and on time Attend conferences about your child’s progress or communicate with teachers by phone, notes or e-mail Revised 7/08, Department for Elementary Instruction, DeKalb County School System

9 What is the parent’s role? Communicate first with teachers regarding concerns or problems Ask for updates on your child’s growth socially, emotionally and academically if long periods of time have elapsed since communicating with the school Expose your child to opportunities beyond school that will contribute to academic success and READ, READ !! Revised 7/08, Department for Elementary Instruction, DeKalb County School System

10 What happens if the child doesn’t pass the Spring 2009 CRCT? Parents must be notified of failure in writing within 10 calendar days (excluding weekends) of receipt of test results in the school by first- class mail. The letter will describe a summer program for remedial instruction and a 2 nd opportunity to take the CRCT during summer. Revised 7/08, Department for Elementary Instruction, DeKalb County School System

11 DeKalb County School System Notification of Failure to Meet Standard on Georgia Criterion-Referenced Competency Test May 2009 Dear Parents or Guardians of __________________________________: Based on your child’s score on the spring 2009 Georgia Criterion-Referenced Competency Test (CRCT) in reading for grade 3, and in accordance with Georgia law O.C.G.A. 20-2-282, your child will be retained unless he/she takes and scores at Performance Level I on a second CRCT that is scheduled for June of 2009. In the event that your child fails to meet the state’s passing score of 800 on the second CRCT, you will be provided with procedures that describe how to request an appeal of your child’s retention through the school. To offer additional instructional support in reading and to provide for the administration of the second CRCT, there will be a tuition-free Rising Scholars summer school program during June of 2009 with transportation provided. This program is specifically designed to accelerate, differentiate, and/or provide additional reading instruction. The Rising Scholars program will be offered at several elementary school sites throughout the DeKalb County School System. Students will be assigned to attend a summer site based on bus service routes. For students who have Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) or 504 plans, a meeting will be scheduled during early August to discuss and plan instruction for your child. We look forward to planning and working with you. Sincerely,, Principal Parental Notification Letter Sample 3 rd Grade Parent Letter Revised 7/08, Department for Elementary Instruction, DeKalb County School System

12 What happens if the child doesn’t pass the 2 nd CRCT? The law states that if the second CRCT is failed, … “the principal or the principal’s designee shall retain the student for the next school year.” A letter is directed to the parents regarding the child’s inability to pass the second CRCT that includes a description of the optional appeal process that a parent, guardian or teacher may pursue. Revised 7/08, Department for Elementary Instruction, DeKalb County School System

13 DeKalb County School System Notification of Failure to Perform on 2nd CRCT in Reading and/or Math Appeal Process Dear Parents or Guardians of:_______________________________________ We regret to inform you that on the second administration of the ___reading, ___math section(s) of the 5th grade Georgia Criterion-Referenced Competency Test (CRCT) in June of 2009, your child, ___________________________________________________did not meet Performance Level I. In accordance with state law, O.C.G.A. 20-2-282, we must inform you that your child will be retained in grade five for the 2009-2010 school year. An additional component of this law requires that you be informed of the right to appeal the decision to retain your child in the fifth grade for 2009-2010. Should you wish to appeal the retention of your child in the fifth grade for 2009-2010, you must inform me in writing by drafting a brief statement that is signed and dated by you that indicates your desire to appeal the decision to retain your child. Your written statement must include: (1) the name of your child in print, and (2) current and completely accurate telephone and mailing contact information so that you can be notified of the date and time that your appeal will be heard. Parents or guardians must bring or send the written statement that requests an appeal for the child to the principal’s office within 15 working days (Monday through Friday) of the date of this letter. When the written statement is received in the principal’s office, it will be logged into a receipt book. A request for an appeal will not be accepted if received after 15 working days from the date of this letter. By state law, a Placement Committee will meet to discuss the appeal. This committee will be comprised of the parents or guardians, the teacher(s) of the failed subject area (reading) on the CRCT, and the principal or the principal’s designee. The Placement Committee will review the second CRCT failure in reading and/or math in light of your child’s overall academic achievement during the 2008-2009 school year and, if applicable, progress made while attending the Rising Scholars summer school program, and finally, make a decision regarding promotion. In accordance with state law, the decision to promote must be unanimous. You will be notified in writing of the date, time and location for the Placement Committee meeting. You will also be contacted by telephone about the Placement Committee meeting. In accordance with the DeKalb Board of Education’s policy for Promotion and Retention, the decision of the Placement Committee shall not be appealed beyond the school. For students who have Individualized Education Plans (IEP) or 504 plans, the Placement Committee will be the IEP committee, and the 504 Team respectively. This letter also serves to inform the parent/guardian that an IEP meeting notification or student 504 Team meeting notification will be forthcoming. The decision to promote will be made by the IEP committee or the Student Support Team. Sincerely,, Principal Revised 7/08, Department of Elementary Instruction Parental Notification of 2 nd Failure Sample 5 th Grade Parent Letter

14 What is the Appeal Process if the child does not pass the 2nd CRCT? If parents/guardians request in writing to appeal the retention within the specified time limit, then a Placement Committee is established by the principal. A Placement Committee meeting is held to discuss and compare the failure(s) on the CRCT to the child’s overall academic achievement. The Placement Committee is comprised of the parents, the principal or his/her designee and a teacher in the failed subject(s) on the test. Other teachers or the counselor may provide information about the student’s academic achievement during the meeting. Discussion can include a consideration regarding placement in the next grade. Placement means that the student has not met the academic standards for promotion, but there is a need to consider other critical factors. A vote is taken by the Placement Committee to decide the promotion of the child and it must be a unanimous decision by the principal or designee, the teacher of the failed subject area(s) and parents. If the decision is not unanimous, the student shall be retained as mandated by the law. The Board Policy for DeKalb County School System regarding the promotion law (IHE) does not allow for an appeal beyond the school once the final decision has been made by the school-based Placement Committee. Revised 7/08, Department for Elementary Instruction, DeKalb County School System

15 What does the Placement Committee have to consider before voting to promote a student who failed the CRCT? According to the state rule, when making the decision regarding the fall grade-level for a student, the Placement Committee is also indicating that it is reasonably sure that the student will be successful in meeting grade level standards on the spring CRCT. The individual plan of remediation follows the student whether promoted, retained or placed. Revised 7/08, Department for Elementary Instruction, DeKalb County School System

16 The law requires schools to write and/or revise an individualized plan to accelerate, differentiate and/or provide additional instruction to assist the student in meeting the grade level standards that the CRCT assessed that the student failed. Parents should be invited to participate in the development of the plan and be prepared to assist. What support is available if the child doesn’t pass the 1 st and 2nd CRCT? Revised 7/08, Department for Elementary Instruction, DeKalb County School System

17 Notification of Final Decision by Placement Committee Sample 3 rd Grade Parent Letter Notification of Final Decision of Placement Committee Date:________________ Dear Parents or Guardians of: __________________________________ The Georgia Academic Placement and Promotion law (HB 656 and 1190) requires that a 3rd grade student take and pass the Georgia Criterion-Referenced Competency Test CRCT in reading at Performance Level 2 or higher during the first or retest administration of the reading CRCT. Your child, ______________________________________did not pass the CRCT. On August ______, 2009, a Placement Committee Meeting was held to discuss your child’s academic achievement, participation in the summer school program, other test results, progress with accelerated, differentiated and, or additional instruction in comparison to the CRCT reading retest failure. After careful discussion and review of your child’s achievement, CRCT, ITBS and other test scores, progress reports, and report cards for the 2008-2009 school year, a unanimous decision was made to ____promote to 4th grade, _____place in 4 th, _____retain in 3rd grade grade for the 2009-2010 school year. The Placement Committee strongly believes that_________________________ will be reasonably _____successful, _____unsuccessful on the reading portion of the 4th Grade CRCT Test in the spring of 2010. Sincerely,,Principal Revised 7/08, Department of Elementary Instruction

18 Are students with special needs expected to meet the requirement of the law? Students with disabilities are included in the promotion law and their Individual Education Plan Committee makes decisions about testing and promotion based on federal and state laws. Students who are English Language Learners are also included in this law. They must take the CRCT. If a student is new to the USA and does not speak English, then the student may be given a one-year, one-time waiver from the reading section of the CRCT. However, the student must still take and pass the math section. Revised 7/08, Department for Elementary Instruction, DeKalb County School System

19 Useful Information (Hyperlinks) Nettrekker Internet Resource for Subject AreasNettrekker Internet Resource for Subject Areas Family Education Network CRCT Resources - Georgia Department of EducationCRCT Resources - Georgia Department of Education Revised 7/08, Department for Elementary Instruction, DeKalb County School System

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