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Safety Tutorial for Warehouse Assistant

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1 Safety Tutorial for Warehouse Assistant
Denise Hourihan Eastridge High School

2 Training Tasks for Warehouse Assistant
Proper lifting technique Ladder safety Proper use of hand trucks, dollies, and hoists Forklift safety (may not be driven by minors) Keeping work area clean Emergency and evacuation procedures Chemical safety/ hazardous materials

3 Pre-Test There are at least five unsafe practices shown in this picture. What are they?

4 Pre-Test Answers Five unsafe practices are:
Worker is reaching too high to lift box. Worker has leg on second rung of ladder. Worker is in an unstable position. Box may be too heavy to lift. Forklift is behind worker.

5 Appropriate Clothes Steel-toed shoes/boots Long pants Hard hat Gloves

6 Safety Equipment Hard hat Goggles Steel-toed boots Earplugs
Fire extinguisher Back support belt Safety equipment in warehouse

7 Tools Hand truck Dolly Box cutter
Hand tools (screwdriver, hammer, wrench, etc.)

8 Equipment/Machinery Fork lift truck (not to be used by anyone under 18 years old) Dolly Hand truck Computer Ladders Overhead lifting equipment Conveyors

9 Electrical Keep ladders away from electrical lines
Water and electricity don’t mix Be sure the following are in good condition: Outlets Plugs Cords Extension cords Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) Light bulbs (correct wattage) Circuit breakers/fuses

10 Floors, Doors, Exits Aisles, exits and doorways must be kept clear
Keep floors clean Clean up spills right away Exits and doors must be clearly marked All employees must be aware of all exits from building in case of emergency

11 Chemical Hazards Powders Dusts Gases Vapors Liquids
Know the chemical hazards in the workplace and the safety procedures for handling them.

12 Ergonomic Hazards - Lifting
Use proper lifting technique Bend at the knees to lift Use a lifting aid or cart Avoid over-reaching, twisting or lifting over head Ask for help when needed

13 Infectious diseases Blood borne diseases – exposure to items contaminated with human blood or body fluids Wash hands after using restroom. Avoid rusty nails, needles, splinters, blood Keep work areas clean

14 Fire Where are the fire extinguishers? When should they be used?
How do you operate a fire extinguisher? What types of fire extinguishers are there? Where are the fire exits?

15 Robbery, Bomb Scares Do not resist a robbery attempt. Give up the merchandise and don’t put yourself in a position to get hurt. Let your supervisor know as soon as possible. Be familiar with emergency evacuation procedures.

16 Angry/threatening Customers
Listen to customer and acknowledge his or her concerns. Ask what you can do to fix the situation. If possible, handle customer on your own. If not, ask for help from your supervisor.

Report any on-the-job injuries to your supervisor immediately. Supervisors must report the injury within a certain amount of regardless of whether the injury required professional medical attention or lost time. You will need to complete an accident report. Be familiar with the policies for your company.

18 Post Test (True or False)
There is no need to train a warehouse assistant in the proper use of ladders. Hard hats and steel toed-shoes are usually required in a warehouse job. It is important to bend from the waist when picking up boxes. Warehouse workers do not need to worry about chemical hazards on the job. You should not stand on the top two rungs of a ladder. A 16-year old can drive a fork-lift truck.

19 Post Test (True or False)
In the event of a robbery, you should protect the company’s property at all costs. Any on-the-job injury should be reported to your supervisor immediately. It is important to know the location of all exits to the building. It is not necessary to keep your work area clean because that is the janitor’s job.

20 Post-Test Answers False True

21 Safety Web Resources

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