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Nagios System monitoring, the easy way. What is Nagios Nagios watches your computers through user-defined commands It can be set to inform you when a.

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Presentation on theme: "Nagios System monitoring, the easy way. What is Nagios Nagios watches your computers through user-defined commands It can be set to inform you when a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nagios System monitoring, the easy way

2 What is Nagios Nagios watches your computers through user-defined commands It can be set to inform you when a service or host becomes unavailable In fact, it can inform you, the Sysadmin, your best friend, and even run commands to try to bring a system back up

3 Nagios config The main configuration file is “nagios.cfg” in /etc –cfg_file=/etc/contactgroups.cfg –cfg_file=/etc/contacts.cfg –cfg_file=/etc/dependencies.cfg –cfg_file=/etc/escalations.cfg –cfg_file=/etc/hostgroups.cfg –cfg_file=/etc/hosts.cfg –cfg_file=/etc/services.cfg –cfg_file=/etc/timeperiods.cfg These are much like #include statements, allowing you to structure your files.

4 Nagios.cfg There are a number of other controls for nagios, set through flags. These are beyond the scope of my presentation Next, we must set up a plan for what nagios will monitor

5 Monitoring plan Our main server hosts various services: –Mail –DNS –DHCP Our second server hosts: –DNS slave –WWW – apache –NFS shares

6 Hosts.cfg define host{ usegeneric-host; Name of host template host_nameserver1; name of computer aliasserver1.localdomain; canonical name address10.0.0.1; ip address check_commandcheck-host-alive; defined in commands.cfg max_check_attempts10; used when check fails notification_interval60; how long between notification events notification_period24x7; defined in timeperiods.cfg notification_optionsd,u,r; } Note that the services are not checked in this file. When the check command fails, the services associated are not checked

7 Services.cfg define service{ usegeneric-service; template host_nameserver1; defined in hosts.cfg service_descriptionPING; is_volatile0 check_period24x7 max_check_attempts3 normal_check_interval5 retry_check_interval1 contact_groupspeoplewhocare;defined in contactgroups notification_interval60 notification_period24x7 notification_optionsc,r check_commandcheck_ping!100.0,20%!500.0,60% } This pings the server, and notifies if the ping fails

8 Commands Installed with nagios, have various formats. When they return a failure, nagios marks that against the check attempts.

9 Contacts.cfg define contact{ contact_namenagios aliasNagios Admin service_notification_period24x7 host_notification_period24x7 service_notification_optionsw,u,c,r host_notification_optionsd,u,r service_notification_commandsnotify-by-email host_notification_commandshost-notify-by-email emailnagios-admin@server1.localdomain pagerpagenagios-admin@server1.localdomain } Note: a contact can have different notification than a host It may be a good idea to have email go to an outside address

10 Contactgroups.cfg define contactgroup{ contactgroup_namecrit-admin aliascritical services membersRoot } define contactgroup{ contactgroup_namepeoplewhocare aliasminions membersnagios; defined in contacts } A host refers a contactgroup, which contains contacts who get notified according to their notification call

11 Timeperiods.cfg define timeperiod{ timeperiod_name workhours alias "Normal" Working Hours monday 08:00-17:00 tuesday 08:00-17:00 wednesday 08:00-17:00 thursday 08:00-17:00 friday 08:00-17:00 } This allows for anouncement only during certain times. Maybe you don’t want your pager going off at night?

12 Awesome tactics Oh noes, the service is down! –So, try to stop and start it –Then get a person involved Perhaps we have something like snort that should signal –We can look at the signal with a script run by nagios, which can then signal with the nagios method

13 Thus ends the Nagios Brief Everyone go back to their stuff which is not paying attention

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