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Power Point Created by: Suzanne Fitzgerald & Candice Styer

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Presentation on theme: "Power Point Created by: Suzanne Fitzgerald & Candice Styer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Power Point Created by: Suzanne Fitzgerald & Candice Styer

2  To be able to determine IEP PLOPs using the Assessment data.  To be able to use Curriculum Lesson Plans & Flow Charts to determine long-term goals & short-term objectives in all content areas.  To be able to use information from ongoing data collection to write IEP progress reports. Training Objectives

3 Process of Implementation

4 Writing IEPs U SING THE S TYER -F ITZGERALD P ROGRAM TO W RITE IEP S  Initially, you will use the PLOPs (Present Levels of Performance) chart to determine the highest level the student reached in each section of the assessment.  For subsequent IEPs, you will refer to ongoing progress tracking data sheets to find PLOPs.  Every Styer-Fitzgerald Lesson Plan provides one long-term goal & one short-term objective.  Create additional objectives by breaking the short- term objective into additional steps or by changing the criteria.

5 Writing IEPs D ETERMINE PLOP S (P RESENT L EVELS OF P ERFORMANCE )  Use the PLOP chart to write the student’s Present Levels of Performance on your IEP when you are initially assessing a student. Currently, this student is able to tell time by quarter hours with 100% accuracy and is unable to telling time by 5-minute increments (0% accuracy). F OR E XAMPLE :

6 Writing IEPs S UMMARIZING D ATA TO D ETERMINE PLOP S  For subsequent IEPs, you will refer to ongoing progress tracking data sheets to find PLOPs.  Use 9 to 12 of the most recent days of DTT data to determine the average percent.  Use the most recent 5 to 10 days of TA data to determine the average number or type (elementary only) of prompts per day.  Refer to Training Session 7: Data Collection for a complete tutorial on summarizing data.

7 Writing IEPs Long-Term Goal: By 10/15, given an analog clock, the student will increase his broad math skills from being able to tell time by 5 minute increments from 0% accuracy to 100% accuracy in 4 out of 5 trials as measured by daily data collection. Short-Term Objective: The student will be able to tell time by five- minute increments from 05 to 55 minutes with 60% accuracy. Use the Long-Term Goals and Short-Term Objectives from the lesson plan to write your IEP goals and objectives. F OR E XAMPLE :

8 Writing IEPs C REATING A DDITIONAL O BJECTIVES – B REAK INTO S TEPS The Short-Term Objectives can be broken down into additional steps.  Short-Term Objective 1 – Student will tell time by five-minute increments from 00 to 30 minutes with 90% accuracy.  Short-Term Objective 2 – Student will tell time by five-minute increments from 35 to 55 minutes with 90% accuracy. F OR E XAMPLE :

9 Writing IEPs C REATING A DDITIONAL O BJECTIVES – C HANGE C RITERIA The criteria for this objective can also be changed to create additional Short-Term Objectives.  Short-Term Objective 1 – Student will tell time by five- minute increments from 00 to 55 minutes with 60% accuracy.  Short-Term Objective 2 – Student will tell time by five- minute increments from 00 to 55 minutes with 90% accuracy. F OR E XAMPLE :

10 IEP Progress Reporting U SING THE C URRICULUM P ROGRESS G UIDE  Use the Curriculum Progress Guide to review which skills a student is currently working on.

11 IEP Progress Reporting R EVIEW THE C RITERIA FOR L ONG -T ERM G OALS & S HORT - T ERM O BJECTIVES  Long-Term Goal: By 10/15, given an analog clock, the student will increase his broad math skills from being able to tell time by 5 minute increments from 0% accuracy to 100% accuracy in 4 out of 5 trials as measured by daily data collection.  Short-Term Objective: The student will be able to tell time by five-minute increments from 05 to 55 minutes with 60% accuracy.

12 IEP Progress Reporting R EVIEW C RITERIA  If a student has met criteria on the Short-Term Objective but not the Long-Term Goal, report progress accordingly.  If a student has met criteria on the Long-Term Goal, move on to the next step in the content area.

13 W HEN S TUDENTS M EET IEP G OALS & O BJECTIVES 1.Celebrate!!! 2.Go to the next lesson plan in the skill sequence. NOTE: Each new step of a lesson is built on previous skills to insure maintenance of skills.

14 Questions?

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