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Using Flexible Scheduling as a Tool for Optimum Service Delivery Anne Lohmeier, M.A. C.C.C. SLP Heartland AEA 11.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Flexible Scheduling as a Tool for Optimum Service Delivery Anne Lohmeier, M.A. C.C.C. SLP Heartland AEA 11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Flexible Scheduling as a Tool for Optimum Service Delivery Anne Lohmeier, M.A. C.C.C. SLP Heartland AEA 11

2 Why? A flexible schedule One of the most challenging parts of an SLP’s job is the process of scheduling. Each of the students on an SLP’s caseload will be receiving service under different types of SDOs. Each student will have different minutes, settings, goals and teacher expectations. Scheduling minutes per month allows us to schedule flexibly. It is safe to say, that the SLP’s schedule will change monthly and sometimes weekly.

3 What other things does an SLP need to think about when scheduling? When does s/he find time to consult /collaborate with teachers to link instruction to the curriculum and grade level outcomes, modify curriculum, design intervention plans, and problem solve with teachers. Time to complete teacher interviews, screenings and evaluations Attending BAT meetings, annual reviews, staffings

4 Time to Schedule Classroom Observations Monitor student progress Become familiar with curriculum expectations, classroom routines, and strategies Take data on students performance on targeted IEP goals Observe opportunities for students to practice targeted communication skills within the regular education classroom

5 Time to follow up on BAT concerns Attend the BAT meetings Complete survey level procedures Do classroom observations and teacher/ parent interviews Problem Solve Design the intervention or model the strategies targeted for teachers.

6 What about the Paperwork? Lesson Plans Data Collection and charting Writing I Plans, IEPs, reports Mileage Medicaid Updates to performance objectives And 101 other things ……………..

7 Questions that will help me look objectively at my schedule and determine what needs to change and why?


9 What should our Schedule Include??????? Student Contact Time (Level 2,3, IEP, IFSP) Face to face consultation/collaboration time Classroom observation time IEP/Annual Review/IFSP/ meetings Parent Communications (notes, emails, conferences, phone calls) Student Evaluation Time AEA/LEA Meetings Paperwork SLP planning and preparation time What else?????

10 What should my flexible schedule look like? Each SLP has a very unique caseload with very unique demands Each schedule will look very different based on caseloads, # of buildings, and personal styles How often should I flex? It depends on your current demands.

11 Samples of flexible schedules Weekly times scheduled to meet IEP minutes and time set aside sometime during the week for all those other assigned duties. (Ex. Friday afternoon) 3:1, 5:1 etc. Three weeks of the month are scheduled traditionally. The 4th week is wide open. (See example) Weekly times for IEP minutes as well as time blocked out each day for other assigned duties. Weekly flex, using set schedule with changes made within the schedule when needed.

12 Now that I’m Convinced… How do I do it?

13 Notify Parents and Staff


15 How do I schedule a flex week?



18 What do I need to remember? Week of: Student contact time scheduled (Level 2, 3, and IEP/IFSP) Consultation/Collaboration time scheduled (face to face) Classroom observation time scheduled IEP/IFSP meetings scheduled Student evaluation time scheduled AEA/LEA meetings scheduled Paperwork time scheduled SLP planning/preparation time scheduled Parent/Teacher communication time scheduled (notes, emails, phone calls) Other: (specify) Comments:

19 Flexible Scheduling Promotes Facilitation of skill transfer Collaboration with teachers Direction in small group sessions Allocation of time for assessments/paperwork Observations of curriculum expectations Reduction in stress level

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