ULAC Update By Lois Schultz February 27, 2009. Information Broker Cancelled 13 low use journals (62 uses) with savings of $20,000 Combined with the.

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1 ULAC Update By Lois Schultz February 27, 2009


3 Information Broker Cancelled 13 low use journals (62 uses) with savings of $20,000 Combined with the line for faculty document delivery Access to any journal article for faculty, staff, or student Almost immediately modified to include items that would be added to the collection

4 Results 2006/07 provided 655 items (313 paid articles, 167 items added to collection, and 175 free documents) for $31,276 2007/08 provided 1,436 items (795 paid articles, 372 items added to collection, and 269 free) for $32,970

5 Examples of Items Color of Fear: added Jan. 9, 2006 has been circulated 26 times and had 22 interlibrary loan requests. It is now on reserve. Shortbus: added May 21, 2007 has been circulated 30 times and had 82 interlibrary loan requests.

6 Examples Zeitgesit: added August 26, 2008 has been circulated 8 times and had 49 interlibrary loan requests. P90-X: added February 5, 2009 has been circlated 1 time, has a hold on it, and had 5 interlibrary loan requests.

7 Interlibrary Loan to Information Brokerage Request arrives through ILLiad Sent out through interlibrary loan for one round of five libraries. Each library has five days to respond, If not filled in the first round moved to information brokerage.

8 How long? Interlibrary loan could be up to 25 days, but usually is not. If article is electronic, it is quick. If it is an item or paper article, much longer due to shipping/mailing.

9 24 Days in September for Items

10 Analysis for 24 Days in September 6 moved to IB on day 1 1 stayed in ILL for 17 days The longest for both ILL & IB was 27 days Average days in ILL was 2.9 Average days in IB was 10.04 Average for both ILL & IB was 12.95 days

11 Departmental Unspent Funds

12 Questions?


14 Budget Subcommittee 2008/2009 Lane Clarke Tom Heard Greg Martin Lois Schultz

15 Charge Review Formula Discuss Spending Half of Allocation by December Discuss Allocation to Small Programs

16 Formula X = A + 2B +2.5C + 3D + E +2F 11.5 X = Departmental allocation A = Percentage of university’s lower division courses generated by the department B = Percentage of the university’s upper division courses generated by the department C = Percentage of graduate courses generated by the department D = Percentage of the university’s student credit hours generated by the department E = Percentage of the average cost of books published in all subject areas by the average cost of books published in the department’s subject area F = Percentage of the average cost of periodicals published in all subject area by the average cost of periodicals published in the department’s subject area


18 Recommendation One Adopt the formula with the factor for cost of journals removed.

19 Spending Funds If half of departmental allocation hasn’t been spent by December 15, the library will reclaim any amount above 50% for purchases that will benefit the university.

20 Benefits More effective use of funds Enables the library not to lose money at the end of the fiscal year More evenly spread of library workload

21 Recommendation Two Adopt the recommendation that half of allocation be spent by December 15. If half is not spent by December 15, the library will reclaim any amount above 50% for other purchases.

22 Small Programs Small Programs that are not housed in an academic department have one allocation for all to use.

23 Why? Inconsistencies in amount in the past. –Honors $500 –First Year $300 –Learning Assistance $600 Small programs seem to be on the increase. Hard to keep up with. Usually don’t spend much.

24 Recommendation Three Adopt the recommendation that small programs have one fund for all to use.

25 Discussion Item The two education departments modified their allocations a few years ago because it was hard to decide which journals went with each department. Since journals have been removed from departmental allocations, the formula should work for education without a modification.

26 Recommendation Four Talk with the chairs of the two departments and the dean to use the formula without modification.


28 ULAC Update February 2009 Lois Schultz February 27, 2009 Revised March 2, 2009

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