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12-18 September 2005Gueorgui ANTCHEV 1 A data readout module for the TOTEM experiment Anelli G. 1, Antchev G. 1, 2, Aspell P. 1, Chalmet P. 3, Da Silva.

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Presentation on theme: "12-18 September 2005Gueorgui ANTCHEV 1 A data readout module for the TOTEM experiment Anelli G. 1, Antchev G. 1, 2, Aspell P. 1, Chalmet P. 3, Da Silva."— Presentation transcript:

1 12-18 September 2005Gueorgui ANTCHEV 1 A data readout module for the TOTEM experiment Anelli G. 1, Antchev G. 1, 2, Aspell P. 1, Chalmet P. 3, Da Silva J. 4, Kaplon J. 1, Mugnier H. 3, Reynaud S. 1, Saramad S. 1, Snoeys W. 1, Varela J. 4, Vichoudis P. 1 1 CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland 2 INRNE, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Sofia, Bulgaria 3 C4I, Centre de Compétence en Conception de Circuits Intégrés, Archamps, France 4 LIP, Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas, Lisbonne, Portugal E-mail:

2 12-18 September 2005Gueorgui ANTCHEV 2 TOTEM Electronics System RPS1RPS2 RPS3RPS4 GEM CSC 18 FED 18 FED 18 FED 18 FED CMS DAQ System FRL 2 S-Link FRL 2 S-Link FRL 2 S-Link FRL 2 S-Link FRL 2 S-Link FRL 2 S-Link FRL ? S-Link APV

3 12-18 September 2005Gueorgui ANTCHEV 3 Digital Front-End Driver Functional Blocks

4 12-18 September 2005Gueorgui ANTCHEV 4 Digital Front-End Driver – cont. Strategy for the TOTEM FED Requirements: - Need to satisfy two different applications : CMS preshower, TOTEM - With vastly different data density (VFAT 1 bit/detector channel per event, preshower many bits/channel/event), therefore 3 Slinks vs. 1; - Operation in experiment within VME environment - also standalone possible using PC and USB; Implementation: - This realized with motherboard with mezzanines; - Optical components on mezzanines - can be tested separately and recovered in case of motherboard failure; - Big mezzanine to carry out zero suppression/pedestal subtraction for preshower; - With other mezzanine and reconfigure can have the emulator board; This work relies on ECAL experience with DCC development board and CMS Preshower stand-alone test bench

5 12-18 September 2005Gueorgui ANTCHEV 5 Block Diagram Digital Front-End Driver – cont.

6 12-18 September 2005Gueorgui ANTCHEV 6 VFAT Data Format for Multiple Triggers VFAT Data Format Total length is 16 bits, where: - BC is Bunch Counter number; - EC Event Counter; - Flags ; - Chip ID ; - Data ; - CRC 16 checksum and four control bits for the beginning of the frame.

7 12-18 September 2005Gueorgui ANTCHEV 7 Common CMS Data Format -BOE_n: Identifier for the beginning of an event fragment (BEO_1 = hex 5); -Evt_ty: Event type identifier; -LV1_id: The level-1 event number generated by the TTC system; -BX_id: The bunch crossing number. Reset on every LHC orbit; -Source_id: Unambiguously identify the data source (FED/DCC): 2 bits reserved for FED internal; -FOV: Version identifier of the FED data format; -H: when set to '0', the current header word is the last one. When set to '1', another header word is following; -EOE_n: Identifier for the end of an event fragment (EOE_1 = hex A); -Evt_lgth: The length of the event fragment counted in 64-bit words including header and trailer; -CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Code of the event fragment including header and trailer; -Evt_stat: Event fragment status information; -TTS: Current values of the TTS bits; -T: when set to '0', the current trailer word is the last one. When set to '1', another trailer word is following; -x: Indicates a reserved bit; -$: Indicates a bit used by the S-LINK64 hardware.

8 12-18 September 2005Gueorgui ANTCHEV 8 TOTEM Digital Front-End Driver - 3 x NGK Receivers for 36 channels; - 3 x Receiver Blocks / Deserializers; - Event Builder; - Spy Memory; - 3 x S-Links on board; - 1 S-Link on the rear; - 3 x USB2.0 ========================== TOTEM need: 8 FED Boards; 24 S-Link64; ========================== + 2 RP stations in 1 FED, GEM in 1 FED; + Advance Event Manager; - Time, Delay and Resources;

9 12-18 September 2005Gueorgui ANTCHEV 9 TOTEM Readout/Test System to FRL FRL or FED Kit VFAT Emulator FED cPCI Crate VME64x Crate TTC

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