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{title of presentation} Collection Development Resources Hélène Golden 1-877-532-2901.

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1 {title of presentation} Collection Development Resources Hélène Golden 1-877-532-2901

2 {title of presentation} Collection Development Elements 4 Assess your community 4 Look at present users and their interests 4 Write a Collection Development Policy 4 Assess the present collection 4 Write collection statements or profiles 4 Develop budgetary goals or targets 4 Plan for the maintenance of the ideal collection

3 {title of presentation} 4 Assessing your community and your users is normally a part of the strategic planning process 4 A library’s collection should advance and support the strategic plan

4 {title of presentation} Policy work 4 Policies supply the framework for decision making 4 They should be strategic, and big-picture oriented 4 Elements required in a good policy are: –Purpose –Responsibility –Criteria for selection –Gifts and donations –Collection maintenance –Requests for reconsideration –Statement of Intellectual Freedom

5 {title of presentation} Policy work 4 epolicies/index.htm#Collection epolicies/index.htm#Collection

6 {title of presentation} Collection evaluation 4 Part of the ongoing cycle of collection maintenance and development 4 Various methodologies available 4 SOLS offers hands-on assistance for collection evaluations, including quantitative, qualitative, and organizational overviews 4 The clearinghouse has a variety of reports available 4 aluation

7 {title of presentation} Core Collections 4 These lists of core collections might be valuable for libraries 4 Use your knowledge of your community and their interests to guide your decisions when using core lists 4 The Clearinghouse has a variety of core lists 4 re

8 {title of presentation} Verification Tools 4 The standard for verification used to be Books in Print 4 Now, big box books stores fulfill much of the requirements of a verification tool 4 Don’t forget the INFO database, which is open to all for searching 4 ification ification 4

9 {title of presentation} Weeding guidelines 4 Weeding is an essential part of collection development 4 Weeding is often put off, to the detriment of the overall collection 4 The Clearinghouse has a variety of resources available, from guidelines, to policies and procedures 4 eding

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