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Opportunity Grad Challenge 2013. What Do Students Need to Know to Graduate English history math science foreign language ? ? ? community service.

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Presentation on theme: "Opportunity Grad Challenge 2013. What Do Students Need to Know to Graduate English history math science foreign language ? ? ? community service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opportunity Grad Challenge 2013

2 What Do Students Need to Know to Graduate English history math science foreign language ? ? ? community service

3 CVU said… In 1994, CVU faculty, administration, and school board said: “Let each student decide what to learn. What we care about is that each student knows how to learn.” “They can learn anything they want and then demonstrate their learning through a paper and presentation.” So…

4 Three Ways to Learn By doing By reading By interviewing experts Grad Challenge integrates learning from all three sources: people, published material, and experience.

5 Grad Challenge Components ComponentsABC Paper6+ pages8+ pages12 pages Community Learning Hours 20+ hours30+ hours45+ hours Tangible ProductoptionalShows significant learning Ambitious w/critique  Community Learning Hours  Tangible Product  Length of Paper

6 Support for Grad Challenge Advisor Community Consultant Resources Library Faculty Parents House counselor Grad Challenge coordinator

7 Who is the Community Consultant and what am I asking for? Guide you in your learning Read a draft of your paper Verify your hours Critique your tangible product, if you have one Has at least five years experience in what you want to learn Is older than college age Is not related to you Is not a CVU faculty member

8 Where to Find Information About Grad Challenge  CVU Grad Challenge web pageCVU Grad Challenge web page (a 2010 Grad Challenge project)  Your Advisor  Grad Challenge moodle page  Grad Challenge coordinator

9 Where do I get ideas? Advisors Grad Challenge web page – lists of past years Grad Challenge web page Community Learning web page – lists of volunteer options Community Learning web page Newspapers, organizations, companies CVU forum postings Parents

10 What is going on senior year? Jobs Taking care of siblings Friends Driving, traveling, going places College applications Making future plans Vacations Coursework (full-time, tech, AP…) Opportunities (shadowing, internships, mentoring) Participating on sports teams Playing music Participating in clubs (Amnesty, Enact, frisbie, etc….) Outside school activities (VYO, volunteering, etc….) Breathing, eating, sleeping – taking care of yourself Plan Plan Plan………….

11 What to do?  Begin planning your Grad Challenge project  Meet with your Advisor to check out ideas  Find a Community Consultant and define a project  Letter of Intent and Grad Challenge contract due to your Advisor by June 1 st, if you wish to begin hours in summer  Project must be approved by Advisor who calls your Community Consultant

12 Grad Challenge 2013! What do you want to learn?

13 Grad Challenge 2013! What do you want to learn? photo

14 Grad Challenge 2012 Presentation Day Friday, May 18th Check out senior projects Support senior classmates Required day of school for all juniors Volunteer to help with food, greeting community members, and as junior proctors

15 Advice from Seniors  Choose something you care about learning  Plan and start your hours early Ask them.

16 Talk to your Advisor


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