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GCSE Statistics Coursework Sets 1 & 2 February 2013.

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1 GCSE Statistics Coursework Sets 1 & 2 February 2013

2 What is it? A written project incorporating GCSE Statistics techniques. A written project incorporating GCSE Statistics techniques. Worth 25% of the final mark. Worth 25% of the final mark.

3 What the exam board say they are looking for. A complete project will consist of planning, collecting data, processing these data with calculations and diagrams, and an interpretation of the results coupled with a discussion of what these might mean in the context of the real world situation. A good project will display good statistical thinking, a clear purpose for every technique employed and a good understanding of what the results mean.

4 The aim of the project is to use and apply statistics in a relevant way. Whilst it is important to use a range of techniques and skills, these must always be appropriate to the project. Diagrams have to serve a purpose and calculations be performed for a reason. Hence the statement ‘the full range’ in the specification should not be interpreted as ‘do everything you can think of’, but as ‘a full range of techniques appropriate to the project’. The project is to be seen as a vehicle for candidates to demonstrate clear statistical thinking and an understanding of what the statistics can contribute in terms of interpreting the real world situation. The key to a good project is a good plan. Careful planning will guarantee that all activities undertaken are effective and efficient, so that no effort is wasted and everything produced contributes to the outcome. The validity of the outcome is determined by the quality of the data.

5 Hence better candidates will pay attention to reliability of data, avoiding bias, dealing with suspect data and looking at the suitability of their sampling model and its size. The ability to reach conclusions is consequent on appropriate use of statistical techniques. This means that techniques used must contribute meaningfully to the interpretation. Thus the project must be seen holistically and a complete project will have work which is clearly representative in each of the four areas required for assessment. Absence of one or more of these seriously damages the value of the work.

6 How the course work is marked. Strand 1: Specify the line of enquiry, design and plan the approach and the collection of data. CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT Strand 2: Processing and representing data with calculations and summary statistics. INFORMAL CONTROL Strand 3: Interpretation and discussion of results and conclusions. CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT

7 How the course work is marked. 1 Planning (10 Marks) Controlled conditions over 3 lessons. Minimal teacher/student contact. Handwritten in exam booklet. Strand 1.

8 Strand 1 – Planning Identify a problem that can be solved using Statistical techniques. Set parameters and state the ‘Hypothesis’ and questions to be investigated. Discuss each Hypothesis in detail – What data is needed, what graphs and calculations will be done. Consider problems and ways they can be overcome. Discuss how you plan to deal with the quality of your data. Discuss what other research or further experimentation may be appropriate.

9 How the course work is marked. Subdivided into 2 parts. 2 (a) Collecting Data (8 Marks) 2 (b) Processing, analysing and representing data (12 marks) Strand 2.

10 Strand 2 – Collecting & Processing Informal conditions Use of ICT essential Rigorous approach to data cleansing & sampling techniques. Requires diagrammatic representation. Appropriate calculations. Sophistication of techniques used contribute to the grade achieved. HOWEVER! Techniques used must be relevant to the project and implied in the context of the problem.

11 How the course work is marked. Interpretation, analysis & conclusions (10 marks) Controlled conditions over 2 lessons. Strand 3.

12 Strand 3 – Interpretation Controlled conditions Relates to the candidates ability to form conclusions from their work. This may confirm or contradict their expectations. This may lead to further investigations. Can be critical of their plan and discuss why their results may be flawed. Suggest strategies for remedying problems. Make reference to other research and findings.

13 How the course work is marked. Total Marks – 40 Grade A requires around 30 marks

14 Specify the Problem & Plan Collect the data Process & Represent the data Calculate and obtain statistics Interpret & Discuss Evaluate. Possibly modify Improve or develop

15 Strand 1(a): Planning (continued) Mark 5 Candidates need to do all that is required for mark 4 and use a range of techniques as listed in the grade A descriptors. These techniques must be justified and appropriate. Contrived situations run counter to the philosophy of the project and are not to be rewarded, so imagination and creative thinking will be required. Candidates justify the methods they plan to use by comparing with possible alternatives, eg the rationale behind using a stratified rather than systematic sample. They should discuss strengths and weaknesses of both sampling regimes. They plan to use the standard deviation rather than the range because…. (i) outliers are defined before data is collected. Reasons they may occur discussed and the response which will be made planned. (ii) all of the issues about outliers, exceptional values, non-response, bias etc are expected and discussed. Use the mark scheme – Available on wikispaces.

16 So what can I do? Lines and Angles Lines and Angles Films Films Food Food

17 How to succeed. A well planned sequence of Hypothesis that flow and progress the investigation. When planning as well as explaining WHY you are using a technique, discuss why it is better than other techniques. Use a variety of relevant techniques that assist you in achieving your aim. Avoid repetition. Use ICT for diagrams and calculations. Interpret every piece of evidence.

18 How to succeed. Be critical of your investigation, suggest improvements and carry them out. Use your results to help resolve some of your data problems. Think outside the project. Other statistics and data from the internet may make the investigation better. Refer to text books and internet.

19 Check it out on wikispaces. Link to download free autograph. Link to download free autograph. (Old) Mark scheme. (Old) Mark scheme. Spreadsheet help tips. Spreadsheet help tips. Autograph Help sheet Autograph Help sheet This Powerpoint presentation. This Powerpoint presentation. Hypothesis Planning Sheet. Hypothesis Planning Sheet. Updates as we go. Updates as we go. Websites containing secondary data. Websites containing secondary data. Links to websites to do with estimating. Links to websites to do with estimating.

20 What to do next. Download and print all information you need from Wiki. Download and print all information you need from Wiki. Start to look at the data and consider what other information you require from internet. Start to look at the data and consider what other information you require from internet. Read the mark scheme. Read the mark scheme. Read the examiners notes from 2007. Read the examiners notes from 2007. Start to plan your project (Use the Hypothesis planning sheets) Start to plan your project (Use the Hypothesis planning sheets)

21 Plan of action. Starting on Friday 22 nd February 3 lessons under controlled conditions 6 lessons under informal supervision in ICT rooms. 2 lessons under controlled conditions 2 x Homework each week. Lunchtime sessions. After school help sessions. ICT Room availability.

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