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NFPA 1710 Standard for the Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Operations to the Public.

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Presentation on theme: "NFPA 1710 Standard for the Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Operations to the Public."— Presentation transcript:

1 NFPA 1710 Standard for the Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Operations to the Public by Career Fire Departments

2 The Technical Committee 30 members ◦ 10 Enforcers ◦ 7 Labor ◦ 6 Users ◦ 5 Special Experts ◦ 2 Consumers

3 Revision Schedule Current Standard is the 2010 Edition Cycle 2015 (requested to change cycle) First Draft completed ◦ Public Input, and First Ballot Second Ballot ◦ Public Input closed 5/16/14

4 Significant Proposals Note: Added clarifying language to the Equivalency section.

5 Significant Proposals Note: NFPA requires a specific number. The Technical Committee made it a minimum of five (5) and struck “or six” in and made it a minimum of six (6) in new

6 Significant Proposals Note: Adds a descriptive title and an EMS component to this section.

7 Significant Proposals Note: New Section and occupancy - Approximately 26 personnel on the Initial Full Alarm this occupancy.

8 Significant Proposals Note: New Section – Apartments. Initial Full Alarm will be approximately 26 members.

9 Significant Proposals Note – New Section (based on the NIST High-Rise Fireground Field Experiments). The Initial Full Alarm Assignments will be approximately 37/38 members

10 Significant Proposals Note: New language addressing the level of Training, adoption of Standards required and inclusion of such in the Annual Report.

11 Other Information Second Draft meeting will be held August 6-7, 2014. Notice of Intent to make a Motion Closing Date will be 3/6/15. Posting of Second Draft will be 1/16/15 Issuance Date (at latest) will be 8/20/15

12 To review specific language and updates.

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