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New State Graduation Requirements C/O 2018 AND BEYOND.

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Presentation on theme: "New State Graduation Requirements C/O 2018 AND BEYOND."— Presentation transcript:

1 New State Graduation Requirements C/O 2018 AND BEYOND

2 Background information and Communication Information was first presented during the high school scheduling presentation in spring of 2014 The class of 2018 had a student meeting on November 13 during 2 nd block to overview the new state graduation requirements and December’s testing schedule The same presentation was then posted as an announcement to all users on Blackboard following the meeting to inform parents of the changing state requirements The high school follows the state’s block assessment schedule that dictates when we must administer the test. Due to the block schedule at the high school, not all students will test during the same semester and their testing schedule will vary depending on their class schedule Loveland High School was one of the first school’s in Ohio to administer these new tests due to our block schedule, most schools will begin testing this spring All tests during the 2014-2015 will be paper assessments and then we will transition to computer based assessments in the 2015-2016 school year

3 Continued The state’s Math and English tests, developed through PARCC, started in December for 9 th graders who are enrolled in English 9 and/or Math I/II first semester The state’s Science and Social Studies tests, developed through AIR, will not be available until spring of 2015, so all affected students automatically received 3 graduation points if they were enrolled in Physical Science first semester Testing in for English 9 did occur in December, and all 9 th graders enrolled in a first semester English course took the English 9 assessment. However, the state did not have a Math I or II exam ready during the states’s testing timeframe, and therefore a letter was sent home to those affected families in December notifying that the state’s testing company did not have an operational test ready in December. The state then issued a lame duck wrap up on December 13 th stating that those affected students would automatically receive 3 graduation points on the Math I or II exam. The later information was communicated to students through their math teacher The following slides show the presentation that was given to the 9 th grade students in November. It also includes updated information that the state has provided/changed since November

4 OGT NO more OGT

5 New: 7 End of Course Assessments Assessments

6 Required End of Course (EOC) Assessme nts Math I and II (Algebra & Geometry) English I and II (English 9 & 10) Physical Science c/o 2018, Biology c/o 2019 and beyond American History American Government

7 In order to graduate from the State of Ohio, legislation requires that you must reach at least one of the following: 1.Earn a cumulative passing score of 18 graduation/quality points on seven EOC exams. 2.Earn a “remediation-free” score on a nationally recognized college admission exam such as ACT or SAT (yet TBD by the state). The required score is TBD All students will take this test during the Spring of their junior year 3.Earn an approved industry credential and achieve a workforce readiness score on WorKeys

8 Graduation (Quality) Points A total of 18 “graduation (quality) points” is needed to be eligible for a diploma The score/points range from Advanced: 5, Accelerated: 4, Proficient: 3, Basic: 2, Limited: 1 Students must earn at least 4 points between the math exams, four points between English exams, and six points between the science and social studies exam Students must take all 7 end of course assessments even if 18 points are reached after <7 tests

9 What if you already took one of these courses prior to 9 th grade? A student who earned high school credit in any of the above courses before July 1, 2015 and a required end-of-course exam was not available, they will automatically receive a score of three points per course exam toward the total points needed for graduation. Middle school students who take one of these courses for high school credit must take the corresponding state end-of-course exam during this school year.

10 The test is two parts… First a Performance Based Assessment PBA is administered after 75% of instructional time is complete, focus, format and content varies with each course Second the End of Course EOC is administered after 90% of instructional time is complete, focus, format and content varies with each course The final score is based on a combination of the PBA and EOC

11 Set-up of the PBA and EOC Depending on the course there will be 1-3 sections of each part Their format and content will vary depending on each course Each test will have an allotted amount of time

12 PBAEOC Test Administration Time Session 1Session 2Session 1Session 2 Integrated Math I and II Session Time60506050 Additional Time Allowed 30252025 Total Test Administration Time 90758075

13 PBAEOC Test Administration Time Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 1 Session 2 English I and II Session Time506040 Additional Time Allowed 253020 Total Test Administration Time 759060

14 PBAEOC TestAdministration TimeSession 1 American History & American Government & Physical Science Session Time60 Additional Time Allowed 30 Total Test Administration Time 90

15 When will you take these tests? You will take the test during the last semester of the course Therefore, those students who will finish English 9, and/or Algebra I or Geometry 1st semester will take the assessments in December/January Students who took Physical Science 1 st semester, automatically receive 3 points

16 Continued… Students who are in year-long or second semester Algebra (Math 1) or Geometry (Math 2), Physical Science and/or English 9, or during second semester will take the tests in the Spring Students who are planning on taking an AP exam for either American History and/or American Government will be exempted from the end of course exam

17 Testing Time Frames Math and English (PARCC developed tests) Winter * See your teacher for the specific schedule Dec. 1-12 for PBA Dec. 15- Jan. 9 for EOC Spring * See your teacher for the specific schedule March 9 th - 27 th for PBA April 27 th -May 15 th for EOC

18 Testing Time Frames and Sessions for Science and Social Studies (AIR developed tests) Spring * See your teacher for the specific schedule March 30 th -April 10 th PBA May 11 th – 22 nd EOC

19 What do you need to bring on testing days? Number 2 pencil Graphing Calculator for math and science Non-curricular book All cell phones should be left in your locker

20 How should you prepare for these tests? Your teachers will be going over the format of each individual test, and will go through practice tests The content is based on the common core which is the curriculum your teachers are using in the classroom

21 Most Importantly Eat a good breakfast Go to sleep early AND Try your best on both parts of the test

22 Finally… Here are additional links to the Ohio Department of Education as well that include more in-depth information: Link to Ohio Department of Education Website FAQ link from the ohio department of education If you have any further questions ask your teachers, guidance counselor or Brittany Buhrlage (Assistant Principal) at

23 Thank-you for your time and attention!

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