The Internet and Politics Agenda for Today What is “political participation”? Why study political participation? Determinants of political participation.

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Presentation on theme: "The Internet and Politics Agenda for Today What is “political participation”? Why study political participation? Determinants of political participation."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Internet and Politics Agenda for Today What is “political participation”? Why study political participation? Determinants of political participation Impact of the Internet and participation

2 The Internet and Politics What is political participation?  acts aimed at influencing policy, including:  voting  protesting  letter-writing  volunteering for a party or interest group

3 The Internet and Politics Why study participation?  key dimension of Internet’s impact  crucial to democratic legitimacy  address participatory dilemmas:  low levels of participation  systematic inequities of participation

4 The Internet and Politics Voter turnout Global voter turnout since 1945

5 The Internet and Politics Voter turnout Parliamentary Elections, Differences between regions 1945-97

6 The Internet and Politics Voter turnout Parliamentary Elections, Differences between regions over time

7 The Internet and Politics Voter turnout: Canada

8 The Internet and Politics Voter turnout: Canada

9 The Internet and Politics Participation: other activity declining levels of civic engagement “social capital” includes involvement in political and social organizations

10 The Internet and Politics Why not participate? voter’s dilemma: voting as irrational share of total benefit impact on outcome example of collective action problem same dynamics apply to other forms of participation

11 The Internet and Politics Why low participation matters legitimacy of system; representativeness voter vs non-voter preferences mandatory voting laws right to NOT vote social capital intrinsic value of participation social, economic, psychological, health effects

12 The Internet and Politics Systematic inequities Types of inequities: income education nationality Significance: legitimacy of system stability of system

13 The Internet and Politics Determinants of participation selective incentives prospects for success level of dissatisfaction or threat exit or voice

14 The Internet and Politics Determinants of participation selective incentives cost-benefit analysis linked to specific types of action material benefits social gratification civic gratification collective policy

15 The Internet and Politics Determinants of participation prospects for success expectation of policy impact group size matters leadership matters

16 The Internet and Politics Determinants of participation level of dissatisfaction or threat degree of frustration risk aversion vs benefit seeking

17 The Internet and Politics Determinants of participation exit or voice voice: ability to affect policy exit: if voice is not an option

18 The Internet and Politics Participation concepts low levels of participation voter’s dilemma, collective action problems systematic inequities of participation income, education, nationality significance of low/unequal participation legitimacy, representation, social capital, stability determinants of participation: selective incentives, prospects for success, level of dissatisfaction or threat, exit or voice

19 The Internet and Politics Discussion

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