Teachers and Administrators Belize Literacy Program August 2011 Developing Discipline An Alternative Approach.

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Presentation on theme: "Teachers and Administrators Belize Literacy Program August 2011 Developing Discipline An Alternative Approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teachers and Administrators Belize Literacy Program August 2011 Developing Discipline An Alternative Approach

2 What changes do school communities experience when they implement alternative discipline?

3 “Children are more likely to be respectful when important adults in their lives respect them. They are more likely to care about others if they know they are cared about.” – Alfie Kohn

4 MAKING A DIFFERENCE Think of either: a time you made a positive difference in the life of another person Or a time another person made a real difference in your life.

5 The following ideas and practices held by some educators for many years have contributed to the breakdown of discipline in schools: Unclear rules which may be unfair or inconsistently enforced Students’ lack of belief in rules Teachers’ and administrators’ lack of knowledge and rules Teachers and administrators disagreeing on the proper responses to student misconduct Inactive administrators Poor cooperation between teachers and administrators Teachers’ tendency to be penalizing in attitudes towards behaviour Misconduct is ignored Schools are large and lack resources for teaching

6 What Are the Most Important Elements of Alternate Discipline?

7 Some of the research based recommended strategies for decreasing disruptive behaviours and increasing positive behaviours in schools are as follows: Provide all students with a secure, caring and friendly environment where discipline is fair and consistent Achieve a high quality education, valuing creativity and co-operation as greatly as intelligence and diligence Create a community in which children’s academic, social, moral and physical development is promoted and developed, thus fulfilling the potential of each child Create situations in which children can celebrate their strengths and improve upon their weaknesses Encourage children to be active motivated learners who continue to make sense of their work and world Encourage children to see learning as fun Enhance the school ethos by exhibiting positive behavior, both in and out of school

8 Create a positive and stimulating working environment, in which all staff is able to develop professionally and work individually and as a team Recognize that, through the professional development of the staff, the school will grow and develop, enhancing the quality of teaching and learning for the children Establish management, organization and administrative procedures which complement and enhance the teaching/learning process Encourage all staff, parents and children to work together in partnership Provide contexts for the development of meaningful two-way links with the wider community Demonstrate a responsive considerate and positive attitude towards all members of the school and the wider community Emphasize and develop the important partnership between home and school in the education of the children

9 Positive language is a powerful strategy for shaping ideas, perceptions and attitudes. The language needs to be consistent throughout the school

10 DisciplinePunishment is the practice of teaching or training a child to obey rules or a code of conduct of behaviour is an action (penalty) that is imposed on a person for breaking a rule or showing improper conduct. develops a child’s behavior by teaching skills and developing perceptions that teach self- control and confidence. It focuses on what the child should learn and what he can learn at his age / stage of development attempts to control a child’s behaviour by focusing on the misbehaviour through infliction of verbal, physical or emotional pain effects are both short and long term effects are mainly short term

11 What does a school need to do to develop an alternative discipline plan? Do we have a discipline plan? What behavioural issues are present in our school? What values with respect to behaviour do we hold? What are our beliefs regarding discipline and punishment? What is our policy regarding discipline? What are our practices regarding discipline and punishment?

12 “No significant learning takes place without a significant relationship”

13 Three aspects of my current practice that support positive behaviour in my classroom and/or school: 1. 2. 3.

14 “Small things done consistently in strategic places make change happen.” – Cile Chavez

15 Multi-tiered Intervention Model (aka Hierarchy of Intervention Pyramid Response to Intervention) Tier 3 INTENSIV E 1 – 5% Intensive, individualized interventions for students who have insufficient response to evidence-based interventions in the first two tiers A Focus on Learning  A Collaborative Culture  A Focus on Results Collective responsibility  Universal screening/ongoing assessment Effective universal strategies/supports/instruction  Timely, research-based interventions Tier 2 TARGETE D 10 – 15% Targeted, specific prevention and interventions for students at risk Tier 1 UNIVERS AL 80 – 90% High-quality learning opportunities and supports for all students

16 “Students may not remember what you taught them, however ….... they will remember how you made them feel.”

17 A low-key response to a problem behaviour: focuses on the behaviour (not the student) communicates the adult’s belief that the student is capable of behaving in positive ways. Low Key responses

18 Effective low-key responses to challenging behaviour are: immediate (but not disruptive or intensive) reasonable (and not embarrassing or frustrating) well-planned (but flexible) practical and easy to implement.

19 feedback  redirecting actions, not words  pausing and waiting proximity  planned ignoring hurdle helping  limited choices eye contact  ask questions student’s name  informal chat gestures

20 Jot down examples of low-key responses to problem behaviours that you have used successfully in your classroom.

21 “Always assume that a motivation for a particular behaviour is positive but expressed in a negative way.” – Curwin and Mendler

22 To obtain something (such as attention, activities, goods or control) To avoid something (such as specific activities or social situations)

23 Review the description for each of the functions of behaviour. Jot down an example of student behaviour you have dealt with recently that aligns with this function. Look over the suggested interventions and star the one you would choose (or add your own).

24 … you changed your behaviour because of positive reinforcement, either from another person, a group or from natural causes.

25 verbal nonverbal privileges tangibles incentives individual preferred activities

26 moving scanning positive contact positive reinforcement responding with instruction delivering negative consequences

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