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Presentation on theme: "PATHFINDER BIBLE EXPERIENCE 2015 Sample Questions MATTHEW."— Presentation transcript:


2 QUESTION #1 According to Matthew 7:28, What was the people's reaction to Jesus' teaching?

3 QUESTION #1 Answer: Answer:Astonished

4 QUESTION #2 According to Matthew 15:32, Why did Jesus not want to send the people home hungry?

5 QUESTION #2 Answer: Answer:They might faint on the way

6 QUESTION #3 3pts (35 secs) According to Matthew 20:15, Fill in the blanks, Jesus said "Is it not___ for me to do what I ___ with my own ___?"

7 QUESTION #3 Answer: Answer:Lawful, wish, things

8 QUESTION #4 According to Matthew 11:5, True or false, Jesus said the poor have the gospel preached to them?

9 QUESTION #4 Answer:True

10 QUESTION #5 According to Matthew 26:12, For what purpose did Jesus say the woman poured the oil on his body?

11 QUESTION #5 Answer: Answer:His burial

12 QUESTION #6 2pts (30 secs) According to Matthew 2:11, When the wise men came into the house and saw the young Child with Mary, what action did they initially take? Be specific.

13 QUESTION #6 Answer: Answer:Fell down, worshiped him

14 QUESTION #7 2pts (30 secs) According to Matthew 22:10, When the king's servants went to the highways to extend the king's invitation, they gathered all they found. What types of persons did they find?

15 QUESTION #7 Answer: Answer:Both bad and good

16 QUESTION #8 2pts (30 secs) According to Matthew 16:4, How did Jesus describe the generation that seeks a sign?

17 QUESTION #8 Answer: Answer:Wicked and adulterous

18 QUESTION #9 According to Matthew 10:27, Where did Jesus tell the disciples to preach what they hear in the ear?

19 QUESTION #9 Answer: Answer:On the housetops

20 QUESTION #10 According to Matthew 17:2, During the transfiguration, what shone like the sun?

21 QUESTION #10 Answer: Answer:Jesus’ face

22 QUESTION #11 According to Matthew 27:47, When some heard Jesus crying out with a loud voice, who did they think he was calling for?

23 QUESTION #11 Answer: Answer:Elijah

24 QUESTION #12 According to Matthew 3:13, Why did Jesus come to John at the Jordan?

25 QUESTION #12 Answer: Answer:To be baptized by him

26 QUESTION #13 According to Matthew 25:27, With whom did the lord tell the servant with one talent he should have deposited the money?

27 QUESTION #13 Answer: Answer:The bankers

28 QUESTION #14 2pts (30 secs) According to Matthew 5:17, What did Jesus say he did not come to destroy?

29 QUESTION #14 Answer: Answer:Law, Prophets

30 QUESTION #15 According to the SDA Bible Commentary Page 171, In the Scriptures, what does the term "gospel" mean?

31 QUESTION #15 Answer: Answer:Good tidings

32 QUESTION #16 According to Matthew 23:12, What will happen to he who humbles himself? Be specific.

33 QUESTION #16 Answer: Answer:Will be exalted

34 QUESTION #17 2pts (30 secs) According to Matthew 13:19, When someone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, what happens?

35 QUESTION #17 Answer: Answer:The wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown

36 QUESTION #18 ? According to Matthew 28:5, Who was the angel speaking to when he said "Do not be afraid, for I know you seek Jesus…" ?

37 QUESTION #18 Answer: Answer:The women

38 QUESTION #19 According to Matthew 8:26, When called upon by the disciples, Jesus arose in the boat. What specific action did he take with the wind and the sea?

39 QUESTION #19 Answer: Answer:Rebuked them

40 QUESTION #20 According to Matthew 21:7, When the disciples brought the donkey and colt, what did the disciples lay on them then set Jesus on them?

41 QUESTION #20 Answer: Answer:The clothes of the disciples

42 QUESTION #21 According to Matthew 4:24, Where did Jesus' fame go?

43 QUESTION #21 Answer: Answer:Throughout all Syria

44 QUESTION #22 2pts (30 secs) According to Matthew 18:3, What two things do you need to do to enter the kingdom of heaven?

45 QUESTION #22 Answer: Answer:Be converted, become as little children

46 QUESTION #23 According to the SDA Bible Commentary Page 174, What led and qualified four men to preserve a record of the Gospel narrative?

47 QUESTION #23 Answer: Answer:Inspiration

48 QUESTION #24 2pts (30 secs) According to Matthew 12:20, Fill in the blanks. "A bruised ___ He will not break, and smoking ___ He will not quench."

49 QUESTION #24 Answer: Answer:Reed, flax

50 QUESTION #25 According to Matthew 24:11, What did Jesus say will rise up and deceive many? Be specific.

51 QUESTION #25 Answer: Answer:False prophets

52 QUESTION #26 According to Matthew 1:6, David begot Solomon. How is David described? Be specific.

53 QUESTION #26 Answer: Answer:The king

54 QUESTION #27 According to Matthew 14:20, After feeding the multitude, what did Jesus have the disciples collect?

55 QUESTION #27 Answer: Answer:The fragments

56 QUESTION #28 2pts (30 secs) According to Matthew 19:29, What did Jesus said everyone who left homes, family, or lands for His name's sake will receive?

57 QUESTION #28 Answer: Answer:A hundredfold and inherit eternal life

58 QUESTION #29 2pts (30 secs) According to Matthew 6:22, How does Jesus describe the eye? Be specific.

59 QUESTION #29 Answer: Answer:Lamp of the body

60 QUESTION #30 3pts (35 secs) According to Matthew 9:22, When responding to the lady with the flow of blood, Jesus said "Be of good cheer, ___, your ___ has made you ___."

61 QUESTION #30 Answer: Answer:Daughter, faith, well

62 This Concludes the Sample Level Testing We Look Forward to Seeing You at the Area/District Level Testing

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