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 Allusion: a reference to something literary, mythological, religious, historical, or found in pop culture  Patrick Henry urged his listeners not to.

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Presentation on theme: " Allusion: a reference to something literary, mythological, religious, historical, or found in pop culture  Patrick Henry urged his listeners not to."— Presentation transcript:


2  Allusion: a reference to something literary, mythological, religious, historical, or found in pop culture  Patrick Henry urged his listeners not to be “betrayed with a kiss”

3  Apostrophe: speaker directly addresses a person who is dead or not physically present, an imaginary person or entity, something inhuman, or any other abstract thing  “O Death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”

4  Euphemism: an indirect, less offensive way of saying something that is considered unpleasant  In Victorian times, ladies were said to “glisten” rather than to sweat or perspire.

5  Onomatopoeia: a word formed from the imitation of natural sounds  The fire crackled in the fireplace. We could hear the buzzing of the bees in the hive.

6  Personification: endowing non human objects or creatures with human qualities or characteristics  The smiling, friendly sun was about to be swallowed by the angry clouds moving in from the south.

7  Symbol: something that stands for something else  Flags, ring, mascot

8  Colloquialism: casual language- similar to spoken language or informal writing  Huck Finn, All the Pretty Horses

9  Hyperbole: Intentional exaggeration to create an effect  There were at least a million people at the mall when I went shopping Saturday.

10  Repetition: repeating a word or phrase for additional emphasis  Hope has sprung a perfect dive, a perfect day, a perfect lie

11  Alliteration: repetition of sounds in a sequence of words- often the initial letters of words  Boast your bitter bragging rights

12  Oxymoron: An expression in which two words that contradict each other are joined  Jumbo shrimp; sweet sorrow; little giant

13  Paradox: An apparently contradictory statement which actually contains some truth  Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind

14  Irony: a contradiction between appearance or expectation and reality. Truth is opposite of appearances.  In King Lear, Lear believes his daughter Cordelia to be disloyal, when in fact she is his only faithful daughter

15  Simile: comparison using “like” or “as”  This room is as hot as an oven

16  Metaphor: comparison, one thing representing another  School is a prison

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