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0303 IAT 102 Graphic Design. 0303 Typography: European Books Industrial Revolution + Victorian Era Break Design Basics.

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Presentation on theme: "0303 IAT 102 Graphic Design. 0303 Typography: European Books Industrial Revolution + Victorian Era Break Design Basics."— Presentation transcript:

1 0303 IAT 102 Graphic Design

2 0303 Typography: European Books Industrial Revolution + Victorian Era Break Design Basics

3 European Books Content and images taken from: Megg’s History of Graphic Design and Jubert’s Typography and Graphic Design

4 Johannes Gutenberg (1453 A.D.) Printing Press – typesetting / press operation

5 movable type Typography refers to the use of independent, movable and reusable bits of metal, raised forms Letterpress technology a classic typographic page

6 Illuminated Manuscripts (c.1450 ) Sample pages from the Gutenberg Bible

7 Illuminated Manuscripts (1460 A.D.) The Book of Hours

8 Illuminated Manuscripts Lindisfarne Gospels Mirror of Human Salvation - Peter Berger

9 (c. 15 th century) Jost Amman (1466 A.D.) Ars Moriendi (1470 A.D.) Ars Moriendi European block printing

10 Engraving (c. 15 th century) Albrecht Durer Nuremburg Chronicles (1493 A.D.) x

11 Printing Shop: The Plate Printer (1642 A,D) by Abraham Bosse. A convincing range of lights and darks is built from scratched lines

12 Victorian Era

13 Pre- Victorian Era Agrarian society (agriculture) that relied on animal and human power for energy

14 Industrial Revolution began between 1760 - 1840 Shift from agricultural society to an industrial society powered by the steam engine James Watt (1736 - 1819)

15 Scientific knowledge enabled… - travel - electricity + gas-fueled engines (last 3 decades of 1800s) - growing urban population - factory system w/ machine manufacturing - division of labour - assembly line Train powered by steam engine - mass production (material goods) - graphics - marketing factory output

16 - spanned two-thirds of 19th Century Queen Victoria - reigned from 1837 to 1901 Victorian Era

17 The word ‘Victorian’ began to be used to express a new consciousness of the industrial era’s spirit, culture and moral standards.

18 Ornaments played an important role in Victorian design.

19 (c. 1880-1900) Forst Averell (c. 1870) Riverside print - Krebbs Litho Co. Chromolithography

20 Chromolithography (c.1867) (c.1890)

21 Chromolithographic packages (c. late 19 th century) U.K. and America

22 Chromolithography (1884. A.D.) W.J. Morgan Theatre Co. / J.H. Bufford & Sons - sheet music

23 Chromolithography (c. 1880’s) fine art print / sheet music cover

24 Harper’s Illuminated & New Pictorial Bible (1846 A.D.) Joseph A. Adams & Co.

25 Chromolithography (1856 A.D.) 5 Celebrated Clowns - Joseph Morse, 8.5’ x 11’

26 Large colour plate book (1856 A.D) The Grammar of Ornament - Owen Jones (England)

27 Large colour plate book (1856 A.D) The Grammar of Ornament - Owen Jones



30 Victorian Illustrations (1834 ) woodcut / (1887) engraving Slab-serif typeface “fat-face” types

31 Victorian Illustration (1890) Paul C. Helleu portraiture / Scribner’s cover (1895) Charles Dana Gibson

32 Victorian Illustration (1871 ) Frederick Walker/ (c. 1880-90’s) Gibson Girl - Charles Dana

33 Victorian Children’s Toy Books (1874 A.D.) Beauty & the Beast / Walter Crane

34 Victorian Children’s Book Illustrations (c. 1880’s) Kate Greenaway / Ralph Caldecott

35 Victorian Book Illustration (c. 1880’s) Three Jovial Horsemen / Hey Diddle Diddle - Ralph Caldecott

36 The Crystal Palace - great exhibition of 1851 (Joseph Paxton)

37 Surprise

38 Design Tools

39 How do you lead users through information by visual means?

40 Alignment Golden Rectangle Balance Consistency / Repetition Contrast Proximity White space Gestalt Some well-accepted principles of graphic design

41 What is the most important information? What should you see first? Second? hierarchy

42 Scale (size) Weight Figure/ground White space Position Texture Colour Value Design fundamentals that help provide visual contrast are:

43 figure/ground


45 proximity


47 weight, scale + texture

48 visual contrast

49 balance - symmetry

50 balance - asymmetry

51 American WWII production ad (c. 1941) Jean Carlu (USA)

52 Lithography - Odeon Records ad, (c. 1929 ) Jean Carlu

53 Most amateur designers think of a square as just a more convenient rectangle. You will quickly find that there are more interesting proportions than a square… golden section

54 Ratio: 5:3

55 golden section


57 rule of thirds


59 fin

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