Presented by Barbara June Rodriguez Professor Trish Joyce Professor Joshua Kimber 14 th Annual Texas A&M Assessment Conference February 16-18, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Barbara June Rodriguez Professor Trish Joyce Professor Joshua Kimber 14 th Annual Texas A&M Assessment Conference February 16-18, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Barbara June Rodriguez Professor Trish Joyce Professor Joshua Kimber 14 th Annual Texas A&M Assessment Conference February 16-18, 2014

2  By the end of the session, participants will be able to: 1.Apply the logic model to the QEP plan (or any situation/project) 2.Discuss strategies to engage faculty in QEP implementation and assessment development (outputs) 3.Utilize Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) to enhance critical thinking (outputs)

3  Located in South Florida; 3 campuses and 8 centers  Offers associate and baccalaureate degrees  Serves nearly 68,000 students annually  SACSCOC Onsite Review was October 2013  QEP received no recommendations  QEP focus is critical thinking


5 Goal 1: To enhance students’ critical thinking skills  Students will be able to: 1.Analyze and interpret relevant information 2.Explain questions, problems, and/or issues 3.Evaluate information to determine credibility of reasoning 4.Generate well-reasoned conclusion s

6  Direct Measures 1.California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST) 2.Performance-based tasks developed by faculty mentors/mentees 3.General Education Assessment Results for problem solving competency  Indirect Measures 1.Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) 2.Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (CCFSSE)

7 Goal 2: To enhance pedagogical practices that focus on critical thinking  Faculty will: 1.Participate in targeted professional development and training 2.Develop in-house training modules on critical thinking 3.Incorporate teaching and learning strategies that focus on critical thinking skills 4.Produce a portfolio with revised syllabi and assignments that emphasize critical thinking

8  Direct Measures 1.Faculty Portfolios 2.Resource Repository 3.Course Syllabi  Indirect Measures 1.Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) 2.Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (CCFSSE) 3.Number of in-house training modules 4.Number and percentage of faculty trained 5.Number and percentage of faculty who teach CT enhanced courses

9  Allows precise communication about the purpose of a project, its components, and activities  Describes logical linkages among resources, activities, outputs, audiences, and outcomes  Functions as a graphical depiction of processes in real life  Illustrates a sequence of cause-and-effect relationships Paul McCawley, University of Idaho

10 University of Wisconsin

11 Each activity will require working as a team and time will be permitted to share ideas:  Activity #1: Engage faculty using critical thinking and BCs SLOs as an example case  Activity #2: Questions & Reflections

12  Broward College. Question Every Possibility - Think Critically: Quality Enhancement Plan. SACSCOC Onsite Review, October 2013. Broward College's QEP Broward College's QEP  McCawley, P.F. The Logic Model for Program Planning and Evaluation Logic Model  W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide Development GuideDevelopment Guide



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