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Global Perspective on Nutrition D Ziebarth, RN, BSN, MSN.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Perspective on Nutrition D Ziebarth, RN, BSN, MSN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Perspective on Nutrition D Ziebarth, RN, BSN, MSN

2 Malnutrition is considered to be the world’s leading threat to life and health today Can result in: Decreased mental and physical development Poor pregnancy outcomes Decreased work capacity for adults Increased illness Premature death Diseases Deficiencies in zinc, leading to immune deficiency, growth retardation and diarrhea Bone loss Blindness

3 Working on the elimination of: Famine and related deaths Starvation and nutritional deficiency diseases caused by natural and man-made disasters Iodine and vitamin A deficiency Working on the reduction of: Starvation and widespread hunger Undernutrition in women, children and the aged Other micronutrient deficiencies such as iron Diet-related communicable and noncommunicable diseases Barriers to breast-feeding Poor sanitation, hygiene, and unclean drinking water

4 Strategies for implementing these goals include: Developing new nutritional health policies and programs Improving household food security Improving food quality and safety Preventing and treating infectious diseases Promoting breast-feeding Promoting diets with micronutrient supplements Assessing and monitoring nutritional programs

5 Food security may be defined as steady access to sufficient nutritious foods for an active healthy life National policies and programs can promote food safety and improve the capacity for: Monitoring Assessing Controlling food quality

6 Each year 76 million Americans get sick 300,000 are hospitalized 5,000 people die from food contamination Biological Chemical

7 Nutritional status depends on both food and nonfood factors Those living in extreme poverty are 5 times more likely to die before the age of 5 years Poverty affects nutrition throughout the life span Causing both infectious and non-communicable diseases A reduced learning capacity

8 Nutritional Challenges in Vulnerable Populations Infants and Children Each year undernutrition contributes to the deaths of about 5.6 million children less than 5 years of age Food fortification Supplementation Dietary improvements Safe water is also essential for nutrition

9 Childbearing Women Causes of death include: Iron deficiency anemia Older Adults Poverty frequently causes them to: Consume less than 3 meals per day Have a lower intake of energy and other nutrients Have iron deficiency anemia Have reduced bone density or osteoporosis Have oral health problems Often get anorexia of aging

10 MICRONUTRIENT DEFICIENCIES 1. Iron Deficiency Anemia 2. Niacin Deficiency (Pellagra) 3. Folic Acid Deficiency 4. Vitamin A Deficiency 5. Vitamin D Deficiency 6. Iodine Deficiency Disorder 7. Protein-Energy Malnutrition

11 WHO assists with projects including: A manual that provides an explanation of how-to guide for managing nutritional needs A field guide to determine nutrition requirements Specific guides for prevention and control Guides for feeding infants and young children Training modules for humanitarian aid workers Guides for caring for the nutritionally vulnerable Training modules for management of severe malnutrition

12 The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Protects and inspect the food supply The Department of Agriculture Protects the meat supply, fish, and unusual species such as snakes, alligators and ostriches

13 The Center for Disease Control (CDC) International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN) The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Poor sanitation and lack of clean drinking water

14 Supplying monetary funds Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) The International Micronutrient Malnutrition Prevention and Control Program (IMMpaCT) Woman, Infants and Children (WIC) Food and Nutrition Service of the US Department of Agriculture

15 United States is the world leader in percentage of the population who are obese The function of fat is to provide: Cushion Insulation Energy storage

16 Obesity causes numerous problems such as: Diabetes Gall bladder disease Hypertension Dyslipidemia Breathlessness Apnea

17 Obesity causes numerous problems such as: Heart disease Osteoarthritis Gout Increased risk for some cancers Reproductive hormone abnormalities Impaired fertility Low back pain Fetal defects

18 Body Mass Index (BMI) can be calculated as: Weight (kg) divided by height (m)2. A BMI ranging from 18.5 to 24.9 is a healthy weight range Obesity and overweight are chronic conditions that are caused from energy imbalance

19 Economic cost of overweight and obesity in the United States Childhood obesity is also now considered a global epidemic problem Why are children becoming obese?

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