Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets By Rai Yana Wray-Johnson Chapters 1-18.

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1 Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets By Rai Yana Wray-Johnson Chapters 1-18

2 The Worst Birthday Harry had a horrible aunt and uncle they never got him any thing for his birthday. They never even remembered. Harry had set in his room and sung happy birthday to himself Harry had a horrible aunt and uncle they never got him any thing for his birthday. They never even remembered. Harry had set in his room and sung happy birthday to himself

3 Dobby’s Warning Harry met a little elf inside his room when he was singing and the elf warning Harry Potter to never go Back to Hogwarts or disaster and terrible things will happen

4 The Burrow Harry’s best friend, Ron, came and seen Harry's misery and took him to go back to Hogwarts in a flying car Back to the train station where he would go to school.

5 At Flourish and Blotts Before Harry could go to school, he had to get school supplies starting with Lockhart's books about protection. There Harry met his other best friend Hermione at the store, and his arch enemy, Draco Malfoy. Malfoy’s dad fought Ron’s dad in the store

6 The Whomping Willow Harry had problems getting on the express to the Hogwarts school so he and Ron drove in a flying car to school. They arrived right into the Whomping Willow, (a tree that fights) and the car was damaged

7 Gilderoy Lockhart After the horrible arrival Harry and Ron got a 2 hr. detention. There's always a new teacher every year who teacher the subject “fight against dark arts”. Lockhart was the new teaches and Harry thought he was so annoying when he taught how to take care of Venemous Tentaculas. Lockhart was also jealous of Harry too. After the horrible arrival Harry and Ron got a 2 hr. detention. There's always a new teacher every year who teacher the subject “fight against dark arts”. Lockhart was the new teaches and Harry thought he was so annoying when he taught how to take care of Venemous Tentaculas. Lockhart was also jealous of Harry too.

8 Mud bloods and Murmurs Harry is a quidditch player who loves to play ball, but not early in the morning. Harry’s coach Wood had them practice at 5:00 am. On the team there is a mud blood, meaning someone is not a full wizard and a mud blood is a offensive way to call people that. Malfoy is the hater of them all. He likes to call people that just to spite them. Harry doesn’t like Malfoy because he likes dark magic. Harry is a quidditch player who loves to play ball, but not early in the morning. Harry’s coach Wood had them practice at 5:00 am. On the team there is a mud blood, meaning someone is not a full wizard and a mud blood is a offensive way to call people that. Malfoy is the hater of them all. He likes to call people that just to spite them. Harry doesn’t like Malfoy because he likes dark magic.

9 The Deathday Party It is now October for Harry a his ghostly friend Nearly Headless Nick. Nearly Headless Nick is the Gryffindor ghost. He has never had any friend and now it is his deathday party. He invited Harry Potter to come to the party. Harry went but soon left because he heard a scary voice about killing someone.

10 The Writing on the wall  As Harry left from the party he went up the stairs to follow the voice that had been talking about death. When he got there, there was a cat paralyzed on the floor and on the wall it wrote, “The Chamber of Secrets is open”.

11 The Rouge Bludger ►S►S►S►Since the first disaster Harry has been blamed for every thing that’s going wrong. Well, now they have a first quidditch match with the Slytherins. The game goes that you have to dodge the bludgers and catch the snitch also shoot the ball into the hole. Harry was trying to catch the snitch but the bludger kept trying to hit him and that means it a jinx on the bludger.

12 The Dueling Club  The ghost of Gryffindor wanted to be a headless knight but he wasn’t all the way headless. He was so ashamed when the dueling club came in with their heads off. Harry wants to help but he's not headless. Hermione, Ron, and Harry are working on a poly juice potion to see who opened the chamber

13 The Poly Juice Potion The poly juice potion was complete and Harry was ready to find the evil person that opened the Chamber of Secrets. Harry and his friends put on the potion and pretended they were Malfoy’s best friends

14 The Very Secret Diary Harry was in potion class when he found a old diary. The diary showed Tom Riddle’s memory. Harry could talk to Tom too. Tom was an orphan, poor, and liked dark arts.

15 Cornelius Fudge Mr. Fudge came to Harry school about the situation of the chamber. He then blamed Harry’s favorite teacher Hagrid because he liked taking care of horrible creatures. He toke Hagrid away to a terrible prison until they figured out the real heir.

16 Aragog Harry went into the woods that night to help Hagrid. Hagrid had gave him clues to figure out the real heir. Harry met a spider named Aragog. Harry talked to him for a while then he wanted to eat him. A car came out and rescued Harry and Ron. Harry did get a few information about the chamber.

17 The Chamber of Secrets Harry went up to the girls bathroom and found the chamber of secrets entrance. He went in there and found what seem to be Tom Riddle. Tom Riddle had had Ron’s little sister Ginny. Harry fought for Ginny to get her back. Tom riddle was Lord Voldemort. Harry fought him with a bird and sword and Voldemort was back powerless.

18 The heir of the Slytherin After Harry had beat Voldemort, he got Ginny and went back out of the chamber. The heir was Ginny after all. She was tricked by the evil Voldemort. She wasn’t the heir, there was no heir. Only Voldemort could be the heir After Harry had beat Voldemort, he got Ginny and went back out of the chamber. The heir was Ginny after all. She was tricked by the evil Voldemort. She wasn’t the heir, there was no heir. Only Voldemort could be the heir

19 Dobby’s Reward When Harry was getting hurt through the process of finding the heir, it was Dobby who had did it. He was only trying to protect Harry. The elf had been spying on Harry because he was told to. It was Draco Malfoys elf. So for revenge, Harry set Dobby free by giving it a sock. When Harry was getting hurt through the process of finding the heir, it was Dobby who had did it. He was only trying to protect Harry. The elf had been spying on Harry because he was told to. It was Draco Malfoys elf. So for revenge, Harry set Dobby free by giving it a sock.

20 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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