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Announcements Pizza and Movie Night – almost 50 people! Baptism Picnic right after service – 8/21 Worship at the Mount – August 26 7 Work Day at the.

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Presentation on theme: "Announcements Pizza and Movie Night – almost 50 people! Baptism Picnic right after service – 8/21 Worship at the Mount – August 26 7 Work Day at the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcements Pizza and Movie Night – almost 50 people! Baptism Picnic right after service – 8/21 Worship at the Mount – August 26 th @ 7 Work Day at the Campground – First Saturday of every month Service project August 27 th - Kathy’s brother Mark’s house – wear clothes you can throw out

2 Turn your ear to heaven And hear the noise inside The sound of angel's awe, The sound of angel's songs O Praise Him Title

3 And all this for a King, we could join and sing All to Christ our King Title

4 How constant how divine This love of ours will rise Oh how constant how divine This song of ours will rise, will rise Title

5 O praise Him He is holy Title

6 Turn your gaze to heaven And raise a joyous noise The sound of salvation come, The sound of rescued ones Title

7 And all this for a King Angels join to sing All for Christ the King Title

8 O praise Him He is holy Title

9 How infinite and sweet This love so rescuing Oh how infinitely sweet This great love that has redeemed As one we sing Title

10 O praise Him He is holy Title

11 Alleluia (O praise Him) He is holy (O praise Him) He is holy Title

12 O praise Him He is holy Title

13 Some Quality Time with the King

14 Quality Time Critical to the disciple His blood and your acceptance of Him have given you eternal life Your maturity here on earth is directly proportional to your quality time with the King There is no other activity on earth that equals the value of this time

15 Gardening By cultivating, weeding, and adding nutrients, incredible things will be converted from seed to vegetable Matthew 28:19 Mark 16:15 Titus 2

16 Window Shopping Many guys don’t understand this Shopping, at its roots, seems to be an exercise in appreciating all that man has created Psalm 8

17 Football!!!! The thrill of the grid iron giants battling contending for a title Team colors, team fight songs, team pep rallies, its all about the team Hebrews 12:1 1 Cor 9:24-27

18 Call of Duty – Black Ops The determined, focused, uninterruptible battle against the enemy Different weapons, different strategies, one goal Ephesians 6:10-20

19 No Light Nights A Moyer family tradition from years ago Turn out all the lights and play board games by candlelight Genesis 2:2 Hebrews 4:1-11

20 Weekend Getaway Intentional times of getting away from everything for a period of time Necessary to renew our strength, tighten our relationship, and focus on how important that relationship is Matthew 26:38-45

21 Quality Time Our definition and His definition may be different, but His has far more value Time leaches will only multiply as we become more “technologically advanced” If you do not fight for it, you will never have it If you never have it, you will never mature If you never mature, you will never find His fullness to the level it is available to you.

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