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Stock Management System  I.T. Systems Solutii Profesionale S.R.L. This will present the key features of the Stock Managemen System (SMS) developed by.

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Presentation on theme: "Stock Management System  I.T. Systems Solutii Profesionale S.R.L. This will present the key features of the Stock Managemen System (SMS) developed by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stock Management System  I.T. Systems Solutii Profesionale S.R.L. This will present the key features of the Stock Managemen System (SMS) developed by IT Systems Solutii Profesionale S.R.L. You will be able to see how a software product will make stock management seem easy and handy for everybody.

2 System architecture Servers and accessibility  Database server running MySQL 5 or Oracle  Interface server running Apache WEB Server  Users can work on the system through any Internet browser ( IE, Firefox, Opera,etc. )  Automated Backup & Recovery mechanisms  System security is guaranteed by 128bit SSL encryption and VPN capabilities

3 Main system modules Input module The input module is the one responsible of data input into the system, it has two interfaces one EXTERNAL interface which will be used for the following tasks: - entering data about external products from import - entering data related to the returned merchandise return from shops, acquisition from domestic manufacturers. ), and one INTERNAL interface which will be used - entering compensation data for stock compensation - entering the data related to rejected or damaged products which are considered defect. - entering data about invoices issued and orders from customers - input the data related to inventories after products count in each stock.

4 Main system modules Output module - outputs data about current stocks - exports CVS (Excel compliant) reports - displays data available about stock movement - prints out invoices and other related documents - displays graphical representation of stock/value evolution - performs daily checks on invoice payment status and sends email alerts for invoices that exceeds the due-date - shows profitability data for each customer based on price & quantity differences - pops-up alerts related to payment issues or to the TO DO list for the current user

5 Main system modules Core module - performs periodical checks for data integrity in the database - checks for payment issues for the existing invoices and feed the data to the output module - oversees the data input module in order to avoid corrupt data or data duplicates - performs cross checks for stock consistency and pops up alerts when the data entered conflicts with the existing data - allows the user to adjust existing data if the privileges he has permits editing - performs background backup of the data and other cleanup and maintenance automated processes

6 Main system modules Security module - performs user authentication and grants access to the application - manages the users and privileges for the accounts - oversees the accuracy of the data inserted by the user and alerts the supervisor in case of problems - manages the remote access to the system for high access accounts in order to assure security of transactions - manages the user accounts passwords and enforces the password policy (if any) - allows access for maintainer to update the application in real-time

7 Main system modules Reporting module - provides a set of predefined reports - exports the data obtained by running one of the reports in various formats - allows the user to define a custom report through the user interface - shows statistical data related to users activity - allows the user to select the presentation mode for a report (text, graphical, table etc.) - shows to the supervisors the users status for users defined in the supervisor's group - allows the user to create custom templates for user defined alerts - gives to the supervisor the possibility to create a custom pop up message that will pop up to every user belonging to his group

8 Main system modules Interconnect module - manages the system interfaces and allows the system to interconnect to other systems and modules Implemented interfaces I.- SMS 2 Email interface – allows the system to send email messages to users (ASYNC) II.- SMS 2 Accounting interface – allows the system to communicate with other Accounting systems (need customization) (SYNC) III.- SMS 2 POS interface – allows the system to communicate with POS systems from retail stores in order to keep the stock up to date. (SYNC) IV.- SMS 2 User interface – allows the pop up message functionality (ASYN) V.- SMS 2 Bank interface – allows the possibility to feed the account extras and to match payments for the issued invoice (ASYN)

9 System development status The Stock Management System proposed by the IT Systems is currently under development and the status is 65% complete. We are confident that in 2 months the system will be operational and all post-production tasks (deployment, testing, acceptance tests) will be finished.

10 IT Systems Solutii Profesionale S.R.L. Address: Bucharest, Cal. Rahovei – 266 Electromagnetica Business Park, Building 2 Floor 2, District 5 Email : Phone : +40-723-153-243 Fax : +40-21-569-61-94

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