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UMW Administrative and Professional Faculty Performance Evaluation Process.

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1 UMW Administrative and Professional Faculty Performance Evaluation Process

2 Individual Work Plan Outlines Responsibilities, Representative Duties, and Development Plan and is: – Collaboratively created by employee, supervisor, and reviewer on an annual basis. – Reviewed and approved by reviewer at the beginning of the cycle PRIOR to final adoption by the supervisor and employee. – Completed by June 25 each year. – Maintained as an electronic file by the supervisor until the annual appraisal is completed. Admin/Prof Faculty Training 4/4/2014Slide 2.

3 Annual A/P Faculty Performance Appraisal in a Nutshell Employee completes the self-assessment section for each of the three responsibilities in the work plan. Supervisor assesses performance of each responsibility and assigns overall performance rating. Supervisor presents performance appraisal and developmental comments to reviewer BEFORE discussing with employee. Supervisor schedules meeting with employee to discuss year’s performance. Admin/Prof Faculty Training 4/4/2014Slide 3.

4 Annual Performance Appraisal Rating Schemes Process ratings assess the manner in which you’ve accomplished your Individual Work Plan Results, i.e., how you’ve done it. – Rating scheme for process: Generally superior/frequently exceeds expectations. Fully meets standard/makes positive contribution. Demonstrates room for growth and/or improvement. Unsatisfactory. Results ratings assess the degree to which you’ve accomplished your Individual Work Plan, i.e. what you’ve done. – Rating scheme for results: Exceeded expectations. Achieved. Partially achieved. Inadequate. Admin/Prof Faculty Training 4/4/2014Slide 4.

5 Annual Performance Appraisal Employee’s Role and Responsibility Obtain an electronic copy of your work planning and performance appraisal form from your supervisor. Complete self-assessment: Delineate development needs. Insert /paste self-assessment into work planning and performance appraisal form. Rate yourself on results and process for each responsibility. Confirm your participation in the mid-cycle review (your form, Part II). Send your supervisor the completed electronic self-assessment of your work planning and performance appraisal form. Actively participate in annual performance appraisal review discussion with your supervisor. Admin/Prof Faculty Training. 4/4/2014Slide 5.

6 Tips for Self-Assessment Review your Work Plan Consider : – Your achievements and challenges over the entire cycle. – What worked, what did not work, feedback, coaching. – Supporting documentation. – What you need to grow professionally and improve. – Any revised priorities and/or unforeseen circumstances. This is an opportunity to provide your supervisor and reviewer with information – don’t assume that they know all that you’ve accomplished. Be concise and representative – 250 words is reasonable. Admin/Prof Faculty Training 4/4/2014Slide 6.

7 Annual Performance Appraisal Supervisor’s Role and Responsibility Send employee electronic copy of form for self assessment. Receive copy of work planning and performance appraisal form that includes the employee’s self- assessments. – Follow up with employee with questions about self assessment, if needed. – If received separately, paste self assessment for each responsibility into the form. Review the employee’s work plans. Consider: – What was accomplished (the results) under each responsibility and how it was accomplished (the process). – Performance for the entire cycle. – Coaching and performance documentation and outcomes from the mid-cycle review. – Revised expectations and circumstances beyond employee’s control. – Previous year’s development plan. Rate results and process for each responsibility. Admin/Prof Faculty Training 4/4/2014Slide 7.

8 Annual Performance Appraisal Supervisor’s Role and Responsibility (con’t) Comment on employee’s developmental needs for each responsibility. – Consider the employee’s statement of development needs. – Consider the employee’s self-assessment. Determine an overall appraisal rating for the performance cycle. There should be NO SURPRISES! Present the employee’s appraisal and development comments to the reviewer BEFORE presenting it to employee. Obtain reviewer signature and sign the appraisal form. Schedule a time to meet with the employee to discuss the annual appraisal. Admin/Prof Faculty Training. 4/4/2014Slide 8.

9 Annual Performance Appraisal Reviewer’s Role and Responsibility Review supervisor’s annual appraisal of employee performance. Consider: – Department goals. – Individual work plan. – Mid-cycle development review. – Employees self-assessment. – Equity across your division. Agree? Approve the appraisal and sign Disagree? Discuss with the supervisor. – The reviewer may change the supervisor’s rating. If necessary or requested, meet with the employee to discuss the appraisal and related issues. Admin/Prof Faculty Training 4/4/2014Slide 9.

10 Overall Annual Performance Appraisal Recap Employee conducts self-assessment on each responsibility and the institutional priorities. Supervisor assesses performance of each responsibility and assigns overall appraisal rating. Supervisor presents performance appraisal and developmental comments to reviewer BEFORE discussing with employee. Supervisor schedules meeting with employee to discuss year’s performance. Admin/Prof Faculty Training. 4/4/2014Slide 10.

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