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Our Transformation In LEADERSHIP BAKKE GRADUATE UNIVERSITY Global Urban Change Agents for Christ BAKKE GRADUATE UNIVERSITY Global Urban Change Agents for.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Transformation In LEADERSHIP BAKKE GRADUATE UNIVERSITY Global Urban Change Agents for Christ BAKKE GRADUATE UNIVERSITY Global Urban Change Agents for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Transformation In LEADERSHIP BAKKE GRADUATE UNIVERSITY Global Urban Change Agents for Christ BAKKE GRADUATE UNIVERSITY Global Urban Change Agents for Christ

2 The process of orchestrating or leveraging a cycle of action, reflection and whole-life application for the establishing of shalom Transformational Learning – Leading t o Leadership Transformational Learning – Leading t o Leadership

3 Service a key Reciprocity between those serving and those served Reflection is crucial Q : do you have a service component built into our own life and ministry, and are you modeling it for the younger leaders you serve? Service Learning: A Movement’s Pioneers Reflect on its Origins, Practice and Future¨- Stanton Service Learning: A Movement’s Pioneers Reflect on its Origins, Practice and Future¨- Stanton

4 Contexts where there is conflict or tension increase transformational learning Feeling, watching, thinking and doing Learning is primarily a social journey based on guided experience. Q : who is walking alongside you in YOUR journey to help you feel, reflect, think and act? Experiential Learning: Experience as the source of Learning and Development – David Kolb Experiential Learning: Experience as the source of Learning and Development – David Kolb

5 Compassionate understanding of the range of ways in which students make meaning. Education is not the mere transference of information, but rather a posture or stance toward the student. The relationship of challenge and support to growth. Mentor: Guiding the Journey of Adult Learners – Laurent Daloz Mentor: Guiding the Journey of Adult Learners – Laurent Daloz

6 Daloz: CHALLENGE AND SUPPORT CHALLENGE SUPPORT WITHDRAWGROWTH STASISCONFIRM Q : Who supports and challenges you? Where on the grid would you place the names of the young leaders you are mentorin

7 Unfamiliar problems presented in unfamiliar settings have the highest impact on the learning process, especially when incorporated into a cycle of action and reflection Q : Are you placing yourself in unfamiliar circumstances regularly? Are you engaged in problems that are new to you? Action Learning in Action - Michael J. Marquart Action Learning in Action - Michael J. Marquart

8 Reflective action (experience) leading to an intentional process where the adult learner is guided through phases of transformation. Phases of transformation: 1) disorienting dilemma, 2) self-examination followed by feelings of guilt and shame, 3) critical assessment of assumptions, 4) recognition that discontent leads to transformation, 5) exploration of new roles, 6) planning a course of action, 7) acquisition of knowledge and skills to implement plans, 8) provisional trying of new roles, 9) building competence, 10) reintegration into one’s life of the basis of conditions dictated by one’s new perspective Transformative Dimensions of Adult Learning – Jack Mezirow Transformative Dimensions of Adult Learning – Jack Mezirow

9 The power of pain: true learning vs. the acquisition of information Peter & Jesus The goal: thinking differently

10 Rich young man Paul on the Damascus road Nehemiah The Bible’s Disorienting Dilemmas The Bible’s Disorienting Dilemmas

11 Neihbur: transformed people can transform a society Shalom: in, for, between The Goal of Leadership Transformation Community Transformation The Goal of Leadership Transformation Community Transformation

12 "Shalom is the well-being and flourishing of all that God has created. This involves reconciliation and enjoyment with God, with others, with one’s self, and with the physical environment.” - Wolterstorff “Shalom is Righteousness combined with Justice, I.e., ‘right-justice.’ Making things the way they ought to be.” - Yoder What is Shalom? What is Shalom?

13 1. Shalom FOR people Shalom = Material/Physical Circumstances: The way things ought to be FOR people –Well-being (Gen 37:14) –Safe and Secure (Lev 26:6, Job 5:24) –Abundance (Num 6:26, Jer 33:6,9, Ps 73:3) What is Shalom? What is Shalom?

14 2. Shalom IN people Shalom = Moral & Ethical Straightforwardness: The way things ought to be IN people. –Truth, not lies (Ps 34:14, 37:37, Zech 8:16, –Blameless/without guilt (2 Kings 5:19) What is Shalom? What is Shalom?

15 3. Shalom BETWEEN people Shalom = Social Relationships: Justice. The way things ought to be BETWEEN people. Peace between nations and groups (1 Kings 5:12, Josh 9:15) Peace between friends ( Jer 20:10, Ps 41:9) Removing oppression (Isa 9:1-7, 32:16-17) What is Shalom? What is Shalom?

16 1.Incarnational: we must in some way experience or be affected by the things that are affecting those in need. 2.Systemic: we must go beyond experience and relationship, using our knowledge and privileges to influence the system Shalom requires responses at two levels: Shalom requires responses at two levels:

17 For I am about to create new heavens and a new earth; The former things shall not be remembered or come to mind. But be glad forever and rejoice in what I am creating; for I am about to create Jerusalem as a joy, and its people as a delight. I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and delight in my people; no more shall the sound of weeping be heard in it or the cry of distress. No more shall there be in it an infant that lives but a few days, or an old person who does not live out a lifetime; for one who dies at a hundred years will be considered a youth, and one who falls short of a hundred will be considered accursed. They shall build houses and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit, they shall not build and other inhabit; they shall not plant and other eat; for like the days of a tree shall the days of my people be, and my chosen shall long enjoy the work of their hands. They shall not labor in vain, or bear children for calamity; for they shall be offspring blessed by the Lord -- and their descendents as well. Before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking I will hear. The Wolf and lamb shall feed together, the lion shall eat strong like the ox; but the serpent, its food shall be dust! They shall not hurt or destroy on all my holy Mountain, says the Lord. Isaiah 65:17-25 Isaiah 65:17-25

18 BGU Global Urban Change Agents for Christ

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